Can i see the Health Visitor anytime?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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Can I give the Health Visitor a call tomorrow and ask her to come to my home for a chat? They have only ever been out to me if they need to do a development check.

I think I still need help with Teagan my 3 year old. I never bonded with her and my HV helped try and bond us, I had councelling to get over PND after Teag and I really thought i had the bond strong.
But this last month I feel the bond has slipped and I admit now I need help again. I dont think I like Teagan :cry: :cry: :cry:

It really upsets me to say that, but thats just how it feels. she has become very hard work, very stubborn little girl.

Will the HV come to my house and speak with me, Its the same one who helped after teag was born, I dont want to go to dr's and come out crying
I don't really know about this kind of thing but just wanted to give you some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you are feeling this way but you have made the first step and thats admitting you know you have a problem. hopefully now you can get the help you need :hug: :hug:
they should do if you give them a call & explain the situation. i really hope things work out for you.

My HV has given me some classes to go to as i dont feel bonded with caitlyn.

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