Can I join you girls?


Oct 7, 2008
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Hi there,
I'm new to this site. I'd been using a 'competitor' most of the time but they've bought in a 'facebook-style' community now and I just can't get on with it. It's too impersonal and hard to navigate.
So I searched and found you all. Can I join you?
I'm Helen, 37 years old, married for 2 years (although me & hubby have actually been together for nearly 21 years!). We've been ttc for nearly 2 years, had 3 MCs and took 6 months off ttc during this summer to set up our own business (and to take our minds off the who baby thing) and I discovered on Sunday that I'm pg again!
Very excited and also the usual worries that only a PAL girl can understand!
That's some potted info about me. Looking foward to getting to know some of you.
:wave: Welcome and Congratulations :cheer:
Everyone on here is fab and hopefully you will feel at home in no time :D
Thank Sara,
I'm looking forward to getting to that magic 12 weeks. In the meantime I've resolved to not allow nasty MC thoughts to be in my head (I keep telling myself that my baby is healthy and growing) and I will NOT check the loo roll every time I go to the loo!
Good luck with your pregnancy.
lindleytvr said:
Thank Sara,
I'm looking forward to getting to that magic 12 weeks. In the meantime I've resolved to not allow nasty MC thoughts to be in my head (I keep telling myself that my baby is healthy and growing) and I will NOT check the loo roll every time I go to the loo!
Good luck with your pregnancy.
Thank you, It feels like its taken me a lifetime to get to 12 weeks, ive had several reassurance scans along the way as ive had 2 losses this yr, even getting to 12 weeks im still worrying and have just bought a doppler. Its hard to be possitive when your thinking the worst but we really do have to try and be possitive. Here anytime you need to chat :hug: :hug:
hiya hun congrats on the pregnancy :hug: :hug: your being very positive which is a good thing :D it's lovely to meet you
Welcome Helen and congratulations on your pregnancy! :)
Hello :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Congratulations on your BFP - its terrific that you are so positive - definatley the way to go.
:wave: Hi Helen,


Great to "meet" you, I`m Jane, I too am 37, been married 3 years but together for 17. I sadly lost my first baby Emma at 22 weeks (exactly 3 yeas ago today ). I then miscarried at 7 weeks, and then at 9 weeks. Finally, 18 months ago, i gave birth to my daughter Charlotte. I then had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and then have just discovered today that i am pregnant for the 6th time. !
Phew, had to explain all that, its a bit like miscarriages annonymous. So I have really lots of emotions flying about today, sadness, excitement worry and tearfulnss due to pregnancy hormones. I have decided to return to this site and get to know other girls who are in the same boat so that we can go through this scary time together. Best of luck to you and everyone, I am living proof that it can be done !! :cheer: XXX
Thank you for all being so welcoming. We ladies who've had mcs really help each other out, don't we?

Jano, it's nice to chat to a fellow 'over 35 with a few mcs' as I don't know about you but I was really worrying that I'd left it too late. I too have been a bit of hormonal - feelings of worry, happiness etc. And today's the first day I've had any nausea. I've had it with all 3 pregnancies so I know not to hold much store by it!
I'm really hoping that this time it's all ok. I'm due at the docs next Wednesday so I'll have a chat about stuff then.
I feel very much calmer and prepared than at any of my other pregnancies - I feel that I trust my body to deliver me a healthy baby. I suppose that believing is half the battle!

I've no doubt that all of us will get to know each other over the next few months.
Good luck to you all and may we all get the babies we desire!

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