Can I have your opinions please ladies?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I've had AF type pains for the last 4/5 days. I'm due on Saturday and have also had brown discharge for the last 2 days which is unusual for me. And when we BD'd the other night I bled after. Thought it was AF coming and yesterday I thought she'd arrive for definate but still nothing apart from the brown spotting. Any ideas? Could i be PG or am I just setting myself up for dissappointment again?
Yeah I think it's AF too but I've never had this spotting before. I just usually start to bleed proper and then get the pains. Don't usually have the cramps till I start bleeding. Also I usually get a migrane before she arrives and backache but have not had either yet. Your probably right though. Gonna try and hold out on doing a test till Monday if she's not here by then. She probably will be though :roll:
Could be your month? Why not do a test to be sure?

Good Luck Hunny

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Could be implantation bleeding! Ive got my fingers crossed for you thats what it was :hug:
As long as AF doesnt arrive theres always a chance. :hug: Good luck hope its a BFP
:hug: Good luck hun, got everything crossed for you :hug: :hug:
I'm getting really tempted to do one. But I'd like to wait till after Saturday because I'm scared if I test to early and it is positive it'll turn out to be a chemical pregnancy. And TBH if I have one of those I'd rather not know about it. Do you know what I mean?
glitzyglamgirl said:
Could be implantation bleeding! Ive got my fingers crossed for you thats what it was :hug:

Oh GGG I never thought of that LOL.
skairdykat said:
I'm getting really tempted to do one. But I'd like to wait till after Saturday because I'm scared if I test to early and it is positive it'll turn out to be a chemical pregnancy. And TBH if I have one of those I'd rather not know about it. Do you know what I mean?

I know EXACTLY what you mean as I just had one of those as you know, I wish I hadnt tested too :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really think these HPT's which work upto 4 days before your AF is due can be a bad thing. Sorry if I upset you mentioning it hun :hug:
no you havnt upset me you nana :hug: :rotfl:

I agree about the early tests being dangerous, from now on im not testing until im absolutely sure its going to be positive and STAY positive!
ohhh could be your month darlin' - i hope so!! good luck!!! :pray: :D
Well i'm still spotting the brown stuff :oops: . I've got the beginnings of a migrane today so think she may turn up on time tomorrow :(

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