Can I come in?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2006
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After a lot of talking about it, myself and my darling fiance have decided to try for a baby together (this will be his fourth and my third). We went to the doctors this morning and I had my mirena coil removed (bit mad seeing as it had only been in for 4 months lol) oh and we had a practice BD about half an hour later :rotfl:

Doctor said we should wait until after I have had a period so they know dates etc, but I never bothered with that when I was pregnant with my son, hell that's what the 12 week scan is for!

We have 3 boys and 2 girls between us (my daughter lives with her dad, my ex husband and my son lives with us, but DH's kids live with his ex-wife who is an evil cow and refuses to let him see them :evil: ) so we're hoping for a girl to even numbers up... nah I know it doesn't work like that but it would be nice :D

I think I was lucky when I had my last mirena coil removed in 2006 as I fell pregnant almost straightaway and never had a period, does anyone know whether this was a fluke or is this common with that kind of coil?
like you i had the marina coil removed and fell pregnant straight away with my daughter, also my friend had the marina coil removed and fell pregnant within a week of it being removed :D she is now 26/27 wks :D good luck i hope you fall quickly :cheer:
Thanks girls! Can't wait for my BFP, I've 'known' I was pregnant both times before and just did tests to confirm so fingers crossed it will be the same this time round. Taking folic acid in readiness and also some of the pregnancy vitamins I had left from last time to top everything else up. Got to use those by January 09 so shouldn't let them go to waste. Craaazy thing is, going by how quickly I fell last time, I might even be pregnant already :pray: Not getting hopes up too much though. I've enjoyed being 'mummy' so much this time round with having been that little bit older, I'm really looking forward to having another LO to love. My fella has already been the best daddy ever to my son and daughter since we have been together. Will be extra special as it will be a baby we have made together. I'm so excited! :cheer:
:wave: :wave: :wave: just wanted to wish u all the luck possible i dont belong in here i just gate crash to see how the ladies in here are doing - good luck hun :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Hmmm well AF seems to have decided to come to visit today. Grrrrrrr Ah well, at least I will have an LMP date to go off now. Never really had to work out ovulation days before, is it usually approx 2 weeks after the start of AF or from the end of AF? :think:
bummer about AF showing her face but at least you know were you are now and can start workin it out

I have been told its 14 days from the first day of AF!?
Average ovulation is two weeks BEFORE your AF, if you don't know your cycle length yet you can only guess. If you have a 32 day cycle then OV is around day 18, if you have a 24 day cycle then ov is around day 10.

You could get some cheap ovulations tests of ebay to work out if you're ov'ing or just BD every two to three days throughout your cycle. Also look out for egg white consistency cervical mucas, this is the most fertile kind and usually produced just before ovulation so anytime you get any get BD'ing :D Good luck
Hmmmm might have to have a look into getting some of those then. When/how often are you supposed to test? How many would you think I should need?
As my cycles are irregular at the moment I test every other day (starting a couple of days after af finishes) until I start to get a faint line on the test, I then test every day and usually get a positive a couple of days after I get a faint line, but I'm very lucky that the hormone shows enough for me to get the line building up over a couple of days.

Some ladies here have a lh surge so quick they wouldn't spot it unless they test twice a day, every day.

If I was you I'd test every day after af finished and then test twice a day when you start to see changes in your CM, definitely test twice a day if you're getting EWCM (but you should bd whenever you get EWCM anyway).
I'd say you'd need at least 10 a cycle (maybe more) until you get to know your cycle, once you know your cycle you may only need a few each month, although hopefully you'll get your BFP soon and won't need to get to know your cycle :hug: :hug:
hiya :wave: welcome, i hope your stay in ttc is short xx
Well AF has finally gone home, so all engines ready to fire now! :cheer: I think OH will be getting jumped on as soon as he comes home tonight :twisted:
Would ya believe it? OH had exactly the same idea! Had first BD approximately 10 minutes after he got home. Next one planned for bedtime! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Welcome! I'm new too - although we've juts decided to try for our first baby so I'm not a seasoned pro like you! :D

Wishing you lots of luck!

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