can i be preg after neg test


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
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i took a test yesterday it was negative. I was only due on on sunday so could i stil be or wil i just take it as im not pregnant. i have cramp but very light compared to usual.
Might just be too early to test hun, sometimes it can take a while for your body to build up enough of the pregnancy hormone for the test to detect. Have you been using fmu? I would always suggest this as this is when you are most likely to get an accurate reading. Try again in a couple of days and good luck :hug:
shezza30 said:
Might just be too early to test hun, sometimes it can take a while for your body to build up enough of the pregnancy hormone for the test to detect. Have you been using fmu? I would always suggest this as this is when you are most likely to get an accurate reading. Try again in a couple of days and good luck :hug:
100% agree. Good luck :hug:
Test again and let us know!! Good luck!!
some folk might not show + for ages. my colleague kept getting neg tests until she felt baby move- she got a scan and was about 20 weeks gone! :shock:
louise_c said:
i took a test yesterday it was negative. I was only due on on sunday so could i stil be or wil i just take it as im not pregnant. i have cramp but very light compared to usual.

Im in exactly the same situation as you, was also due on Sunday and have got no signs of AF but BFNs!!! Its so frustrating isn't it. I'll keep my fingers crossed that were just testing too early. Ive told myself that Im not allowed to test again till weekend but I doubt Ive got that much will power xx
thanks everyone. i wil prob wait til weekend and see. i have cramp stil but hardly anything compared to when i usually get it, got sore boobs too but cud b another sign that af could be on its way. keepin my fingers crossed though x

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