can husbands get time off for scans?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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do they have to take it as holidays? i dont really want to go to my 20 week scan on my own, alexhas had a lot of time off recently due to deaths in the family, and drs appointments and scans etc. just wondering as he has used quite a lot of his holidays by taking the time as holidays if fo my 20 wek scan he should take it as sick n say he has the dentist? he usually starts work around 7 or 8 and my scans at 10.30, they usually scan 1st the u see the midwife after. so im guessing if he takes half day sick.. im sure h would be back by 12?
I think that it depends on where you work. I'm sure they have to let them have time off but they don't have to pay them. We're luck in that cos my DH gets all my appts off paid, but that's just their company policy.
Good Luck
No they don't have to let them have time off, the scan is for your medical reasons not his, so he can take the time as annual leave unless he has v understanding bosses who are willing to give him the time paid - as he had to use his leave for deaths in the family etc guessing they're not that understanding? :?
both me and my DH take the day off as a holiday... my 20 week scan isn't until 10:40am.... and my hubby works over and hour away from the hospital... so he has to really..... i don't drive.. so have to rely on hubby so its easier just to take the day off...
Got to take a half day off also to see my midwife next week.. she only works at our surgery 1 day a week and i couldn't get an appt til 10... so work have made me book half day.. if it was a 9 then i would have been fine :-(
They can't make you take a half day you know, it's your right to have your antenatal checks no matter how long they take.
Mine has been allowed ALL time off for every single midwife appointment, GP check up and scan I've been to - even when I had to have my repeat bloods done at 28 weeks he was able to come with me. His work has been great, even down to offering him FULL pay for his 2 weeks paternity leave instead of the crappy standard paternity leave pay!!

I think it depends on individual companies/bosses etc. And if you do have to take it out of your own time (well your OH, were allowed the time off for antenatal things) he can't be forced into taking a whole or half day if you just need 1-2 hours type thing.
My hubby just said he was going and he went. His office is pretty flexible mind you.
My OH did, as long as you give them plenty of notice, I imagine most workplaces should be pretty reasonable.
i even forgot to notify my work that i have been for scans and appointments! i won't get paid... :wall: :wall:
They don't have to let him have time off, but my OH offered to work the hours back and in the end because he made the effort to offer hours back they just let him have the time off - I made sure I booked the last available ones in the afternoon as he only works 5 mins from the hospital so wouldn't have to take much time off.
thanks gils.. think il tell him to say hes got dentist.. that was is sick leave and he will get payed
mine took holiday for the 2 scans.he preferred to take the whole day off as he hates the job.anti natal he went 2 one cause he happened to have the week booked off. he was gonna goto the last one i went to but couldnt get parked. but we went hosp 3days later so he heard hb there :)

its best he tells the truth as they may find out and u never know they might be good at letting him go as its his lil boy or girl after all. about the bereavement he should of had that paid.
Gruntie and Laetitia- you are allowed paid time off for every scan and midwife visit by law- you should not need to take it off as holiday or unpaid.

I work for a cr*aply run small company with a boss who thinks pregnant women should be shot (and 80% of the staff are female :roll: ) and even I get paid time off
ok.. il get him to say hospital appointment lol.. that will do.. its not a lie then

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