Lastnight i spent the night on the bathroom floor
i dont know what happened!!
i woke up with my legs a little sore and baby moving around alot and so i just nip to the toilet for a wee and while im sat there (i didnt pee or anything) i suddenly get this big pain accross my lower back and the top and bottom of my bump and start sweating really bad like i was going to pass out so i yank my shirt off and waft myslef and called OH coz i though i was going to pass out and he dosnt wake up so im sat there and cant even barely open my eyes and have no idea whats going on.. next think i know i wake up and im asleep on the bathroom floor must have been layed there for atleast two hours i dont think i fell i must have crawled off the toilet. i have a middy appointment on the 22nd i think it is but what the hell happened??????? i every time baby moved lastnight i was almost sick, she was SO active then she got hiccups and it was making my mouth water like i was going to puke. i dont know what the pain was but it came and went for a while should i be worried? im fine now but has anyone else experienced something like this and why? thanks xxx
i dont know what happened!!
i woke up with my legs a little sore and baby moving around alot and so i just nip to the toilet for a wee and while im sat there (i didnt pee or anything) i suddenly get this big pain accross my lower back and the top and bottom of my bump and start sweating really bad like i was going to pass out so i yank my shirt off and waft myslef and called OH coz i though i was going to pass out and he dosnt wake up so im sat there and cant even barely open my eyes and have no idea whats going on.. next think i know i wake up and im asleep on the bathroom floor must have been layed there for atleast two hours i dont think i fell i must have crawled off the toilet. i have a middy appointment on the 22nd i think it is but what the hell happened??????? i every time baby moved lastnight i was almost sick, she was SO active then she got hiccups and it was making my mouth water like i was going to puke. i dont know what the pain was but it came and went for a while should i be worried? im fine now but has anyone else experienced something like this and why? thanks xxx