Can anyone tell me?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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What happens to your cervix before AF? I have just noticed I was quite wet down there (sorry if TMI) and so decided to feel inside and my cervix feels a bit soft and slightly open. I'm 14 DPO and was really hoping for a BFP this month. Now I think Its game over.
What does everyone think?
Thanks for any help.

Sus x
Cervix checking is not the easiest - I never got it personally.

The position and feel of your cervix changes during the course of your menstrual cycle. As you approach ovulation your cervix becomes soft, high, open and wet. After ovulation these signs reverse and the cervix becomes firm, low, closed and dry.

By your checking it sounds like your cervix has changed for ovulation :D

Good luck
I find cervix position a bit of a tricky one to determine! It does sound like it's ready to ovulate, but if you're 14DPO, then maybe AF is coming...I found this on a website about position of cervix, note the last line:

"Each cycle begins with menstruation.
During your infertile periods it is low, firm and closed. You can reach it easily and it may feel like the tip of your nose.
As your fertility rises so does the cervix, it becomes softer and starts to open. It may feel like your lips.
After ovulation it is low closed and firm again.
These changes make it easier for sperm to reach the egg -- if the cervix didn't open, conception wouldn't take place. If the cervix didn't close tightly after ovulation, the uterus and fertilised egg could become infected. The cervix has to open somewhat at menstruation to allow the endometrium to be shed."

BUT, it's not over til AF shows! So there's hope yet. Good luck for your BFP!
Sus, are you going to test. I'm late but showing negative pregnancy tests. I just want to know one way or another. I hope you are pregant Sus, best of luck!! :pray:

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