Can anyone reccomend a good quality, QUIET electric pump?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I use a manual one at the mo which I get on with great but as Im almost exclusively pumping I'd quite like an electric one to help me out. At hospital I used a medela one which was amazing but the home mini electric one by them is no where near as good and soooo noisey! And the one from hospital costs a fortune to rent, let alone buy. Does anone know of one thats good at suction but still quiet??xx
Not much help I know but I have the medela mini and think its fab. Im not sure youll get a quiet one thats not hugely expensive
I had the mini electric medela but had to take it back cause it was faulty, I then bought the avent isis IQ uno electric pump and its so quiet. With the mini I couldnt hear the TV no matter how much we turned it up now I can hear every word when pumping and no need to adjust the volume.

The suction doesnt feel as good as the mini but the avent uno has cusions that pump the areola so the suction doesnt need to be mega hard. I still express the same amount in the same time with the avent as what I did with the medela.
I have the Isis IQ too. Don't get me wrong, it's not silent but you don't have to turn the TV up.
Thanks everyone I had the avent one in mind already so may give it a go!xx

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