Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2010
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I tested today (period due 28th) and got a negative (not even a hint of a line).I know im clutching at straws but has anyone else tested early and got a negative and later found out that they are infact pregnant?We tried really hard this month and I got a positive ovulation test on the 11th.Been trying for a year now and really felt good about things this month.Really gettin' fed up with this now.
Hi Peachy

I know exactly how you feel. I have been TTC for almost a year with no joy.

I got a negative result with my previous pregnancy with DD and didnt get a BFP until i was two weeks late.

I would test again in a few days, first thing in the morning, if AF hasn't shown up.

Hang in there, you'll get your :bfp: soon.

Babydust to you too x
I tested the day after my period was due with a BFN.. When I was 10 days late I got my BFP.. Everything crossed for you, it is still early days hun :hug: Good luck :dust: xx
I tested 2 days before AFwas due with a clearblue digital and got a bfn. Teasted again day it was due with cheap brand and got very dark bfp!
Hi, I would give it a few days and test again. If you are pg its probably a little early to test!! Good Luck!!

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Thanks so much you guys for all your replys.I tested with a early response test.Have had cramp for two days now and all the normal symtoms I get when due the witch.Have felt sick on and off for past couple of weeks.Weird thing is, I got pregnant so easily with my son and daughter (13+8).Never in a million years did I think it would be so difficult this time.Will test again on Monday (day after witch due) if it hasn't come already.LOL
I had :bfn: on first response 4 days before AF then more on 3 and 2 and 1 days before - :bfp: only arrived on day after AF was due.

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