can anyone help me please, need advice.##UPDATE##


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Firstly i am so scared, i have found a lump in my breast and have to go for a biopsy tomorrow, as always im expecting the worst but what i want to know is will i be able to still feed levi after having a biopsy and if it is bad news will i have to stop feeding if i have to have treatment, god im all over the place here i really am so worried, what if my little man has to grow up without me im in such a state.

well i went in for a scan and the doc said he is pretty sure its a blocked duct he offered to drain it but as im so needle phobic i said if he is sure its nothing more i would rather let it go on its own, he said it will take a few weeks to go but should be gone in a month. The nurse that was there said he would have made me have the biopsy if he was in any doubt about what is was so i am so releaved i cant tell you.
Thankyou all so much for your support. :hug:
hennaly said:
Firstly i am so scared, i have found a lump in my breast and have to go for a biopsy tomorrow, as always im expecting the worst but what i want to know is will i be able to still feed levi after having a biopsy and if it is bad news will i have to stop feeding if i have to have treatment, god im all over the place here i really am so worried, what if my little man has to grow up without me im in such a state.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Firstly, most breast lumps are harmless cysts so the chances are everything will be fine. Please try not to worry hun.

Secondly, I am no expert but I remember reading in some NHS article that you could breastfeed from one side while the other has radiotherapy?? Not sure about chemo though?? And I may have this totally wrong of course.

Please let us know how you get on. I'll be thinking of you :hug:
awww hun I cant offer you any advice just wanted to show my support and give you some hugs! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Like Debecca says most lumps are just harmless cysts although I know its really hard not to worry. Sorry you are going through this hun, good luck tomorrow I will be thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Awwww sweetheart!!!! I don't have any advice either but thinking of you lots xxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's probably just a blocked duct or something hun. Stay positive.

Let us know how you get on
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Given that you're breastfeeding it is quite likely to be a blocked duct. I hope everythings ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thankyou for the hugs girls, i dont thnk its a blocked duct as it isnt painful and is like a hard pea size lump, i had an abcess when i had one of my other sons and it isnt anything like that either, it was looked at by a nurse at the clinic who refered me to the breast care center which worries me even more as im thinking she thinks its something bad :(
Have you given the lump a good massage hun?

I only say this because I had a painless lump when I was breastfeeding and I had booked my dr's appointment and everything.

Then the feed before I went I just thought "I'll give this a good massage before and during the feed", and it was gone afterwards! Must have been a blocked duct.

KJ said:
Have you given the lump a good massage hun?

I only say this because I had a painless lump when I was breastfeeding and I had booked my dr's appointment and everything.

Then the feed before I went I just thought "I'll give this a good massage before and during the feed", and it was gone afterwards! Must have been a blocked duct.

its a really hard lump and im scared to squeeze it too hard :?
:hug: I'm waiting for an appointment at the moment with a specialist at the Royal Marsden because I went to the doctors recently with a sore lumpy boob which I've had a long long time and ignored :oops: My doctor was really nice and doesn't think it is cancer, just fiberous tissue or a cyst but because my mum had breast cancer and a mysectomy (sp) She has refered me. Did your doctor give you any indication of what they thought it might be? My doctor said they have a 2 week rule if they suspect it may be something nasty so she didn't apply this rule to me, I may have to wait a month for my appointment.

Anyway I know how you feel and it is scary but you have done the right thing getting it checked out so now its out of your hands hun :hug:
Lou said:
:hug: I'm waiting for an appointment at the moment with a specialist at the Royal Marsden because I went to the doctors recently with a sore lumpy boob which I've had a long long time and ignored :oops: My doctor was really nice and doesn't think it is cancer, just fiberous tissue or a cyst but because my mum had breast cancer and a mysectomy (sp) She has refered me. Did your doctor give you any indication of what they thought it might be? My doctor said they have a 2 week rule if they suspect it may be something nasty so she didn't apply this rule to me, I may have to wait a month for my appointment.

Anyway I know how you feel and it is scary but you have done the right thing getting it checked out so now its out of your hands hun :hug:
we have a fast track service here and i got my appointment tomorrow, i only went to the doctors friday, i get the results while i wait the same day thank goodness i dont think i could stand the wait. This lump isnt painfull, dont know if thats good or bad :?
hennaly said:
Lou said:
:hug: I'm waiting for an appointment at the moment with a specialist at the Royal Marsden because I went to the doctors recently with a sore lumpy boob which I've had a long long time and ignored :oops: My doctor was really nice and doesn't think it is cancer, just fiberous tissue or a cyst but because my mum had breast cancer and a mysectomy (sp) She has refered me. Did your doctor give you any indication of what they thought it might be? My doctor said they have a 2 week rule if they suspect it may be something nasty so she didn't apply this rule to me, I may have to wait a month for my appointment.

Anyway I know how you feel and it is scary but you have done the right thing getting it checked out so now its out of your hands hun :hug:
we have a fast track service here and i got my appointment tomorrow, i only went to the doctors friday, i get the results while i wait the same day thank goodness i dont think i could stand the wait. This lump isnt painfull, dont know if thats good or bad :?

I asked the doctor about the 'no pain nothing to worry about' rule and she said its not the case and they used to say that but not anymore. My mums cancer was a painful lump. You are very lucky to be seen so soon hun so I know its hard but try not to think about what it could be and just get on with the tests and be positive :hug:
no advice hun but i just wanted to send you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and let you know i will be thinking of you :hug:
i've been through this, but when i was pregnant with my son. I also got an appointment at the breast clinic: this was what it was like (obviously they might not all be the same, but just to give you an idea)

Went in, gave them my name then sat down in a room jam full of women all making polite conversation

Then went in and had a chat with a consultant who had a feel

Went back to the big room to wait some more

Then got called through the the ultrasound room where a different doctor scanned my breast and the lump

Back to the big room

Then through to the biopsy room. There were 3 doctors in there. 2 came over to do the biopsy, which was just a little needle in the lump (which i'm sure you'll be fine to breast feed after, can't see why not. Could be wrong obviously, but from my experience i can't think of a reason why not :hug: )
Then they took 'it' over to the mugs doctor in the soon who was analysing them

Then again to the big room!

Then called into the doctor i say first who told me when they thought from all the tests, which for me was that it was just a random lump sometimes caused by pregnancy. Whick reminds me, i need to have a check up on that.

:) it was a bit nervewracking but fine, as i'm sure you will find it. Good luck xxx

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