Can a bath speed up contractions???


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I really should know the answer to this but-I've been gettin a few niggles this afternoon,comin quite regularly (every 12 mins) nothin too painful tho. Wen I got in from school run I couldn't get warm so climbed in the bath,niggles were still comin but have rapidly increased wiv intensity and r comin thick and fast. I don't wanna get out the bath incase they stop lol.

Now I've written this theyl prob stop anyway *jinxed*
I'm not sure Emma.. If it's real labour though it won't stop for anything I suppose.
i thought it couold send it either way, so if they were fake contractions they'd stop but real ones would continue regardless! OOOOO you and Lily could be in a race :shock::dance:
i thought it couold send it either way, so if they were fake contractions they'd stop but real ones would continue regardless! OOOOO you and Lily could be in a race :shock::dance:

I'm expectin them to stop any minute (dh is due home) lol
you've got 6hours to get it out before the birthday is shared, tell your Mum to not pack her bingo pen just yet either :lol:
Still comin a bit nippy but nothin regular-made the mistake of tellin dh,he's gone for a shower and change (somethin he never does in an evenin) he won't listen wen I tell him that even if it is the start then I always labour slow to start wiv so we won't b goin anywhere tonight! x
Butting in from first tri , but I used a bath when I was in labour last time , it wont speed it up but it really takes the edge off the pain :) just remember if your waters break not to get in
I dont think this is it....just about stopped now...oh well,at least ive got a clean hubby lol xx

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