Can 1st scan be three weeks out?


Jul 19, 2010
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Hi, I'm new here, but hopefully you can put my mind at ease! I'm pregnant with number 3.

Went for our first scan last Thursday at what we thought 12+2 weeks. The sonographer asked if we were sure of dates and I said not entirely, maybe a couple of days out, but she then put us back to 9+3, and said come back in three weeks. There was a heartbeat, but we were kind of ushered out, and I didn't have much time to think about it. I've left a message for my midwife but she's on annual leave at the moment.

Having looked at the new dates she's given us, it is not possible that I fell pregnant then, we were moving house, so unless it was the immaculate conception! Everything I've read suggests early scans are pretty accurate to within a few days. Also we had a BFP only 4 days after the new dates say I conceived, surely that's too early?

Has anyone else experienced this, should I be worried? Thanks x
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At all my scans they have put me 12 days back. I know the exact date of conception and because of illness and us both working in different places, that one day is the ONLY date possible for conception. From that date onwards we didn't have sex until after my 12 week scan, cause I found out I was pregnant and didnt want to have sex until after I knew everything with baby was okay. The doctors refused point blank to believe me that the scan date was wrong, they gave me a horrible look when I said we had only had sex once that month so knew EXACTLY when conception was, sort of like a "yeah right". I've been really worried about going over due and not being able to be induced because dates don't match. The midwife believed me, but is not allowed to change my dates. She said not to worry, she will just monitor me really closely if I do go over due, so hopefully if you explain to your midwife, she will do the same!! xxx
Maybee when they take another look at the next what they believe to be 12 week scan, they will correct your dates a bit more , as I lost a week and then it got changed back later on

Baby will arrive when they want to, so keep your version of the due date in your head (sure you will) and then your'll be ready bags etc and when you go into labour early, you will be right X

Don't forget you can start mat leave upto 11 weeks before the due date, so maybee take that into account of a leaving date from work if your working currently
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Thanks for your replies, I just wanted everything to be nice and simple this time as my DS was over 11lb and ended in em c-section. I was hoping to try for a vbac, now wondering what my chances are and how to convince wary consultant?
Thanks for your replies, I just wanted everything to be nice and simple this time as my DS was over 11lb and ended in em c-section. I was hoping to try for a vbac, now wondering what my chances are and how to convince wary consultant?

Maybee they will decide your "big for dates" and give you growth scans towards the end if their dates are out. Then they may decide to induce you earlier maybee.

Don't worry it should all sort itself out in time X:lol:
At my dating scan my dates from when I knew I conceived were exactly the same as the scan dates, and I mentioned to the sonographer that I already knew how many weeks I was...and he basically said that in some cases when you know you conceive means nothing, as fertilisation can take place but for some reason development isn't kick started until later - so it's not that the baby is growing more slowly but that it just needed a bit of a nudge to get things going. I hope that is the case with you too.

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