Calmed down.. any advice?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Okay after my breakdown yesterday i've decided to take a deep breath, take a month off ttc (mainly because I have a CT scan and can't risk it) then go back, but it seems like according to my last two cycles, that my periods have inexplicably decided to come every three weeks, does anybody know whether this will effect my ttc efforts, I have been told that having a short cycle can sometimes make your chances better however after seven months of failing I find this hard to believe.. any tips girls? xxx
Hi corky, I just posted o your yesterday thread. I suppose most oof us have days like that whereby we think to stop trying. Well I'm glad your still here with us and a months brak will give you time to try and enjoy the advantages of not being and ttc. I hope the CT scan goes well and everything is fine with you hun. Good luck with that and hope to read threads by you ttc soon. xx
Hi corky, I just posted o your yesterday thread. I suppose most oof us have days like that whereby we think to stop trying. Well I'm glad your still here with us and a months brak will give you time to try and enjoy the advantages of not being and ttc. I hope the CT scan goes well and everything is fine with you hun. Good luck with that and hope to read threads by you ttc soon. xx

Thanks very mmuch hun, CT should be okay i've just had a balance problem for two years or so so hopefully they can finally sort it, yeah i'm glad to be staying because all of the girls on here are very supportive but yesterday I just felt like I never wanted to talk about babies ever again haha. Ah well there's always next time :) thankfully I have an amazing fiance and he's just promised to take me on a little holiday next year to cheer me up, so now we're saving and if I end up with a BFP we can spend it on baba sprout and if not we'll be in the sun, feeling a lot more optimistic today :) xxxx
good for you with deep breath - its bloody hard sometimes. I had a melt down last time af arrived - know how you feel.

with the short cycle thing, it might be worth taking agnus castus and or some vit b6 - neither is very expensive and the b6 especially is supposed to be good at lengthening the cycle (my sister is a medical herbalist - i get the low down as she is ttc too!)
the b6 you need 50-100mg daily of - amazon do a fairly cheap one.

good for you with deep breath - its bloody hard sometimes. I had a melt down last time af arrived - know how you feel.

with the short cycle thing, it might be worth taking agnus castus and or some vit b6 - neither is very expensive and the b6 especially is supposed to be good at lengthening the cycle (my sister is a medical herbalist - i get the low down as she is ttc too!)
the b6 you need 50-100mg daily of - amazon do a fairly cheap one.


thanks hun, i'll give it a go :) xx
hey hun! don't know anything about short cycles but wanted to say good luck with your CT scan! and sorry to hear you had a bad day, i hope you're feeling better now!! xxx

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