Just come off the pill.... any advice?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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My DB and I have decided to start TTC and so I have stopped taking the pill and i'm just wondering what to expect. I have been on it for 7 years or so and AF has just turned up. Any advice on how long it'll take to clear from my system and how to go about TTC? We're obviously going heavy on the BD but is there anything else I can do to give myself a headstart? Have started on my folic acid and omega 3 so vitamins are taken care of.

Thanks for any replies and so happy to be here with all you ladies!

Much love and many blessings,
Is this your first youre trying for? I came off the pill about 6 months ago, so I can only tell you my personal experience. I used to have really regular periods at 29 days, now I can go anywhere between 30 and 35, somethimes 40 days. Get all excited but im never preg, also had some symptoms like sore boobs and tummy ache but they turn out to be false. So my advice is your body is gona take some getting back to normal and dont expect anything too soon, then you cant be let down. Saying that though I know lot of people have got preg straight away. So wish you loads of luck. Try and have sex every other day near ovulation time, pillow under bum and legs in air supposed to help. Good luck hun xxx
Yes this is our first. Thanks for the advice. :) Having the most painful period for a long time at the moment with really awful moods, probably just the clearing out of my system.

I hope we're one of the lucky ones.


I cant really say on the pill getting out of your system as I think it varies for everyone, Ive read before that it can take around a year to be totally our of your system but that doesnt mean you cant get pregnant. I have a friend who is pregnant with her 2nd and she caught on as soon as coming off the pill both times.

You could try some home ovulation tests, but you will probably have to wait till you get an idea of your cycle length.

Good Luck and lots of :dust:

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