calling mums to be and mums!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi there!!

Im not yet pregnant but wanted the advice of you yummy mummys :) or yummy mummys to be

Im just doing my research about taking the pre natal vitamin Pregnacare + omega 3

Im taking the pregnacare conception one which is fine because there is no baby there yet but wanted ur views on weather it benefits the child or can actually harm.

Im really confused I read websites and they say stick to a healthy diet synthetic Vits can be harmful to your baby while docs bloody go and say yeh take em all.?!? I will of course take folic acid from now on :wall2::wall2::wall2: but not sure weather just to have a healthy diet and leave it with that. Research has shown that our food does not contain enough vitamins yet vitamin A can cause harm!?!? arrrrghhh please help

what have you lot done xx
Hello! I'm 11 weeks pregnant and have been taking Pregnacare (just the normal one, not the Omega 3 one because that's expensive!) since week 2 when I found out. I think Folic Acid is definately the one to take in the first three months and any extra vitamins is up to you how you feel about it. However, I will say that if (and hopefully you won't!) you suffer from morning sickness in those first 3 months you may not be able to have a totally balanced diet as nausea can mean that you just want toast/potatoes/other bland foods. That's just my thoughts but it obviously depends how you feel when you're pregnant. I haven't heard that synthetic vitamins can harm the baby.

Good luck with the decision making but I wouldn't stress too much about it whichever way you decide!

I took it with my son and ive taken it this time, i dont see any problems with it, you know your definately getting everything you need. x
I took folic acid while TTC (only a month) then I bought SuperDrive brand of pregnancy vitamins which had folic acid in them. I kept forgetting to take them and they were huge, couldn't bear swallowing them. I'm entitled to healthy start vouchers and you get a voucher for vitamins every 3 months, so I got some they have folic acid, vit c and d. I don't always take them and I have a healthier diet now than before I was pregnant so I think I get all the stuff I need. I guess it's up to you at the end of the day. You don't need to go spending heaps of money though, especially when there's so much else to buy!

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I took folic acid while TTC (only a month) then I bought SuperDrive brand of pregnancy vitamins which had folic acid in them. I kept forgetting to take them and they were huge, couldn't bear swallowing them. I'm entitled to healthy start vouchers and you get a voucher for vitamins every 3 months, so I got some they have folic acid, vit c and d. I don't always take them and I have a healthier diet now than before I was pregnant so I think I get all the stuff I need. I guess it's up to you at the end of the day. You don't need to go spending heaps of money though, especially when there's so much else to buy!

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Meant superdrug! ;)

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I took folic acid for a yr b4 fallinh pregnant (we were trying) n had no sickness n had a balanced diet, i did get bronchitis at 30weeks n it lasted until a week after i had her, bloody antibiotics didnt do naff all, n ive got a very happy healthy lil girl who weighed 8lb 4oz when she was born, i think its really all personal choice :)
I took pregnacare (without omega, as that made me burp!), since January and I think as long as a vitamin built for pregnancy or pre preg, then it will have all you need ,can have and nothing else. Can't hurt, but the folic acid is a must I think
I took Pregnacare conception for about 2.5 months before I fell and finished the pack I had which took me up to 6 weeks pregnant I think, then I started the Pregnacare Original which I will continue throughout pregnancy as I am Vegan and want to make sure bub does not miss out.
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Didn't take a thing just came off the pill and waited to see if anything happened.
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I started taking folic acid when I came off the pill, and I now take a mum and bump vitamin with folic acid. I have had awful morning sickness so atleast this way I have managed to get all I need even with only eating baked spuds lol
Thanks for all your comments defo something to think about, im sure pregnacare would know this stuff anyway plus its the number 1 selling brand and won awards (yes my OCD has made me research and research this!!!!!!!!!!)

Sometimes I think ahhh just leave it and take nothing let nature do its thing but then on the other hand I hear things like a girl I kno had taken potassium then her baby wouldnt have this, or if another had taken zinc etc etc. I think I will ask my doc when I go for my next appoint and see what he says. x
I was taking Asda's own brand for over a year before finally conceiving. Our little IVF embryo was a perfect grade 1 (quite a miracle considering my age!). May be a coincidence, but it may have been due to us both taking supplements beforehand.
I just took folic acid, I did get some pregnancy tablets from asda as my mw recommended them but was not regular in taking them and Alex is fine and healthy x
hmmmmmm still not sure :) think ill ask the doc. Mllions of people have taken pregnacare! so it cant be that bad?!? can u see im trying to talk myself into it x
I took folic acid before i fell pregnant and moved onto the pregnacare + omega 3 tabs when i found out i was pregnant. Baby is developing well and i never had any sickness or anything xx
Yes hun, I took it everyday for the first 12 weeks, after that i have been a bit naughty and not taken anything but its the first 12 weeks thats important xxx
When I picked my pool up from the local Childrens centre they told me I could've got vitamins (including pregnacare) for free from them!

Might be worth looking into?

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