Calling all line spotters!!

Oh wow yes that's exactly the same tho I really had to angle the camera to see it did you? Can I ask r u preg then sorry I can't see any tickers on my phone x
Oh wow yes that's exactly the same tho I really had to angle the camera to see it did you? Can I ask r u preg then sorry I can't see any tickers on my phone x

Yes, I am now 8wks 2days pregnant!! I did this test in the evening of Saturday 12th Feb at 8DPO, on CD25 and did a FR on Monday 14th Feb at 3.45pm in the supermarket toilet at 10DPO and got very definite BFP!

Yes, I had to take LOADS of photos to be able to see it in a photo but I could see it myself quite clearly in RL.
That wud have been a strong hormone then I'm 10dpo maybe mine should have been stronger, I just can't believe it cud be a positive I'm not gonna be able to stop thinking about it till when I next test on wed, or till af comes x
Good luck, I hope it is a BFP for you xxx
That looks just like my clear blue did at 9dpo, I thought it was an evap as I could see it better with a light behind it and it was the thinnest of lines, 2 days later it was definitely a positive and I am 13 weeks and 3 days now. Test again in a couple of days but I think it'll be a BFP. x
Oh and to clarify, yes I can see a line on the 2nd picture.
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Thank you all for replying I don't know how to feel really, I don't want to get excited incase I end up sorely disappointed I think I'll test on Tuesday morning haven't mentioned anything to my husband, i dont think I will until I am convinced that I am or not :s
I see a line then when I look again I dont see it BUT I tested 14DPO on cheapies from Ebay and they were all positive but faint. the CBD next morning confirmed it so dont give up hope, it looks very promising
Can def see something. Wait a couple of days (if u can!!) And get a fr or a pink one and see if that makes any difference! Good luck :) x
Thank you can I ask would an evap line look the same as that?
Well I tested this morning with other sainsburys test and BFN :( just wish witch would hurry up and get here now grrr...
sorry hun! blue dye tests are well known for giving funny lines, i never use them

Hope you are ok. xxxx
sorry to hear that..i know how you feel- think you got a line then nothing. you're still in with a chance till af arrives tho. xx

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