Holy Vomit Batman!

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Oh wow...

She was asleep in her crib just now and I heard a little noise as though she was spitting up so I ran out to check on her. She has vomited about a half a bottle of feed ( a good hour after she was fed) all over herself. While lying on her back, she managed to get vomit to hit the end of the pram :shock: which is the length of her body ( about a foot and a half) away. She also hit her mobile, which was a good six inches above her chest.
:shock: :shock:

Is there an olympic event called the long distance vomit?

I've heard of hurling champions, but this is ridiculous! :lol:

Good job we are going to the doctor today. Has this happened to anyone else?

Damien projectile vomits alot. Maybe she had a trapped burp which came up so forcefully it brought alot of bottle back up too? x
Tiny Sue said:
Is there an olympic event called the long distance vomit?

I've heard of hurling champions, but this is ridiculous! :lol:


Brody has done this once or twice, lovely isn't it !
Heidi does this a lot - I did a post on it but cant remember where I put it.

What did the docs say? I worry about her doing it when Im asleep.

L x
Its the progectile dihoreah you want to watch out for :D Scary scary
ILMAO!!! Im honnestly not making this up but the projectile diroehhe happened for the first time last night - it was all over my dressing gown - lovely!!!!!

That is so weird you saying it and then it happened that night!

L x
Naomi's doctor checked her out the next day and when I mentioned the projectile vomiting, she smiled and said it happens.

She had projectile diarrhoea while still in hospital, the first time I brought her down for her bath, she pooed all over the place and out over my dressing gown and slippers...which were never the same again!

Oh you poor things and for it to happen last night, yeuch. Its not pretty. It happened with Jess in hospital when she was 2 months and was awful.. I cleaned Jess up and the nurse got the floor but it was still dirty and even after the cleaner had been in the next day i could still see wee speckles.
I hope your baby is feeling better today :D
Poor little thing.

Dom did this once in the middle of the night after a feed when younger, I just thought it was a little around his mouth (lights were off), so I cleaned him up.

It was only in the morning with the lights on that I saw the sick must have shot up and out of his moses basket and onto the floor!!!

I felt so bad for him but he was fine :)
Yeah I found poo on Heidis grobag this morning :x and felt really bad - but I did have the lights low as it was the night feed.

L x
Yeah, you always feel guilty you didn't change them in the night, but then you don't want to fully wake them up.
Heidi wakes up in the night and I can see her looking at me with her beady eyes in the darkness and I have to try not to look at her!!!!!

L x
I can see her looking at me with her beady eyes in the darkness


For some reason I have a very vivid image of a cute little fraggle looking out at you in the dark! Made me giggle.

minikins said:
Dom did this once in the middle of the night after a feed when younger, I just thought it was a little around his mouth (lights were off), so I cleaned him up.

Oh my god I nearly wet myself there, I thought we were taking about the projectile poo.
She did it again this evening while I was holding her, the vomit shot out about three feet and hit the fireplace! :shock:

But she didn't even cry, she just began sucking on her fists again as though really hungry. I let her settle for a bit but had to cave and give her a bottle.

I wonder what's causing this? Could it be her jabs yesterday, is it related to her reflux, or was it just forceful wind?

I don't want her to start losing weight again... :cry:

I would say forceful wind, Rubie is just the same :o
lauramum01 said:
minikins said:
Dom did this once in the middle of the night after a feed when younger, I just thought it was a little around his mouth (lights were off), so I cleaned him up.

Oh my god I nearly wet myself there, I thought we were taking about the projectile poo.

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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