Caesarean booked!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
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I now have a new due date, l have a caesarean booked for the 19th february. It was my desition for the caesarean. l had a long labour with my son, 29 hours! and l had a caesarean. So l thought it better to go for another one. It was a hard desition to make as their are pro's and con's with either. I hope with this desition, people won't judge me and think l am taking the easy way out. A lot of people say 'try a natural birth' only to find that the majority of these people only had like a 5 hour labour! So they had it easy really. I can understand why people say this and if it were not so tough for me last time round then maybe l would have gone for it. If i go into labour before the date, then l would try for a natural birth. l know people say that the 2nd baby is almost always easier, but who's to say it will be any easier this time??.......

One pro with the caesaeran is that it will be my son Charlie's first birthday on the 24th, 5 days after the booking, so i am hoping to be home by then, whereas l may not be home going for the natural birth as the actual due date is Charlies birthday. (yeah, slim chance baby will come on the day but at least we can all be home together)

Well l hope l have not waffled on too long!! l find it helps to talk. :D
I think as long as you feel you have made the right decision for you, than who are we to judge? I am expecting my first, and don't know what to expect with labour (other than a lot of pain :wink: ) least now you know when he's coming and you can make plans........

Good Luck with everythng :hug:
its not a if your taking the easy route out, id much rather have a natural delivery than a C section, but i totally agree with your reasons for having a 2nd C Section, plus you know what its like to have one
well to start with i certainly do not think ur taking the easy option... after 2 days of labour i recently had an emergency section, and i kno that its a BIG operation!!!

hope everything goes well for ur section hun :hug:

Hope all goes well for you hun. I dont think your taking the easy way out hun . Although my labour wasnt too longi had an emergency section as i couldnt dialate the last half cm and she was too big. I understand your decision and why you wouldnt wanna try a natural birth.
:hug: Katrina

good luck with it :hug:

I don't think you're taking the easy route, it's what you think is best for you.

I had an elective c section last time with twins and I too have the choice this time. However, I have chosen to go for a natural iff poss :pray:

I wouldn't want to do the operation again, was hard work with the recovery etc, i want to feel more in control with this one and i had a really long hard recovery afterwards with compliactions that i wasn't anticipating but who knows I may end up having to have another section, hopefully not but each to their own.

Noone can knock you for having your own ideas and opinions on what's best for you,only you know that :hug:
how exciting thats not far away at all is it, hope all goes well for you xx :hug:
hi - I might have to have a c section due to it being twins - depending on the position they are in (head down or breach) and a few other things they are monitoring for. If that's the case, I'm happy to go with their advice.

Haven't yet decided what to do if I do have the choice but I have a few more sessions aimed at multiple births at the hospital which I hope will answer the questions I have.

Either way i think no-one should judge you as you've made a choice based on what you feel is right for you and the bubs and that's what counts :hug:

Just wanted to wish you luck :hug:
you are right to do whatever you feel is the best for you and baby

my SIL had a Csection frist time just like you, due to a long labour ... 2nd time round everyone told her to go for a natural birth --- she said it was the worst thing she ever did........... again it was a very long labour and she found the recovery quite difficult as she tore very badly.........

she deeply regrets not having a second csection..........

bet you are getting excited now....... and how lovely that both yur babies birthdays will be so close. :) :)
You know what's right for you, and it wouldn't have been agreed too unless your consultant etc also agreed. Good for you, this way you can carry with the rest of your pregnancy, hopefully as stress-free as possible which is the most important thing :cheer:
Thanks girls for your support. Its not an easy choice with either i must admit, but l am glad you all understand. Just me being silly im sure.

l got my bags packed (just the odd one or two things to add) incase l go into labour as l have been told l will have to phone them straight away as l have the op booked and l guess l will go straight in too.

Will just have to wait and se what happens!! :lol:

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