Caelan Lee Stevens - 17/04/08 7lbs 4.5 ozs


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Oct 2, 2007
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Caelan Lee Stevens 17/04/08 9.50pm 7lb 4.5 oz

After a week of being monitored for pre eclampsia by the community midwives I came in to the hospital on 16/04/08 for an appointment with the consultant. I was assessed there and then and was told I was to stay in hospital. My condition ment that they didn't want to take any risks with me by letting my pregnancy continue and they were to induce me that day.

I informed my mum of what was to happen becuase I wasn't allowed to go home and pack my bag. I was then taken up to the labour ward where the process would begin. I was then checked over by the midwives and given my first prostin. I was then monitored throughout the day for any signs of progress. Well it got to about 10pm and nothing had happened so they gave me another pessary. I was then left alone until the morning and I would then be checked again. They then told me my cervix was now short and flat! Don't quite know what they ment by that but it appeared to be a good sign! I was then given my third and final pessary that morning and left alone until tea time.

The midwives then came back to check on me and by that point I was in agony. I knew the pessary was having some effect on me. I was telling them I wanted pain relief so they decided to check me internally. I was then told that they could break my waters if I wanted them to and I went ahead with it. After this I was in even more pain and was offered gas and air. I told the midwives that it wasn't good enough and I wanted something stronger. They told me I would have to wait at least an hour because I had a long way to go until I would be in established labour. I was extremelly cross because I was in so much pain and I felt like things were happening fast.

I then began to lose my temper and so they came and checked me over again. I was then told I was 10cm dilated and that I could push when ever I felt the need to. I told them I wanted an epidural otherwise I wouldn't do anything. They told me I couldn't have one as I wouldn't be able to feel the contractions. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had an idea of what I wanted my birth to go like and nothing seemed to be working out that way.

Well things seemed to drag from this point onwards. After 2 1/2 hours of pushing baby Caelean made his appearance into the world. The midwives made the decision to perform an epesiotomy in the end as I wasn't making any progress. I was quite relieved as I just wanted it to come to an end. I just wanted to hold my baby. The after birth happened almost seconds after he was born and I never felt a thing.

Caelan was then taken to be weighed and cleaned whilst I was being stitched up. After this he was passed straight over to me so I could feed him and I had no problem at all. He took like a duck to water! Probably just beginners luck mind!

All in all I think I did quite well considering I wasn't even prepared to be induced and then to only manage on gas and air! Everything happened so fast. Maybe there is some truth in it when they say that ladies with high blood pressure have a quicker labour!
congratulations he's gorgeous! and well done. i never heard that about high blood pressure!?!

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