C-section Prep Today


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2007
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Well it is real ladies. This time on Wednesday I will be at the hospital waiting to meet my baby face to face.

I go to the hospital this afternoon to have my c-section prep. I had been calm until yesterday but then it hit me. I am so scared of not being a good Mum and letting my baby down. My emotions are all over the place.

I will be offline for a few days but just wanted to wish all those due soon the best of luck.

Good luck :D I think it's only natural to have those fears but i'm sure they will all be forgotten once you have your baby in your arms x
I'm sure everything will go fantastically Ellie! Only hours left until you meet your LO at last! :hug: xx
woo woo another baby comin out the sunroof!!! best of luck hun! :cheer: :cheer:
It'll be great and you'll be a natural, don't worry....and try to enjoy it as much as you can :hug:

I'll be thinking of you- good luck :hug:
paiges_mummy said:
good luck .............. have you got a text buddy???

yes i'm her text buddy, i'll keep you all informed.

good luck hun, will be thinking of ya and don't worry, you're gonna make a gr8 mummy :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oooohhhh, best of luck hun! Looks like someone else will have their LO before me! :shakehead: :shakehead:
Eblinx said:
Oooohhhh, best of luck hun! Looks like someone else will have their LO before me! :shakehead: :shakehead:

Am sure something will happen soon for you. No doubt i will get out of hospital to find your birth story posted and pictures of you with your beautiful baby. Chin up girl :hug:

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