C Section or Natural?


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Was at my 28 week scan the other day, both boys doing really well and bigger than average :dance: After the scan I chanced my arm and asked my consultant about delivery options. Didn't really expect to get any info as I've always heard they won't discuss till 32 weeks. Anyway she said that there was no proof to suggest either way was the best to deliver twins and both have pros and cons and I could choose what I wanted to have however as I delivered naturally with my daughter I should be able to do so again so they would advise that option however it was my choice. Slightly shocked as I never thought I would get the option of a section. In one sense I feel pulled in that direction as the thought of giving birth to 2 babies terrifies me but in another way I feel I should be having a natural birth? Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts or advice to help me out?
My friend has just had twins at the beginning of September and she managed to have them naturally. She wad induced at 37 weeks and had a very fast labour. Delivered both boys in about 4 hours once things got going. They were a good size too, 7lb 1oz and 6lb 8oz!! I think it's amazing!! Tbh if it was me I probably would opt for a c section but that's due to the fact I had an emergency c section with my first and I have a gynae condition that would caused problems during a normal delivery.

No advice specifically, just thought I'd share a positive story of twin delivery xxx
A lady I know is expecting twins and is choosing natural birth. I don't know much or have much info but I'd always choose natural regardless of how many were in there! Lol! I'm terrified of a section though so could be just a tiny bit biased!

Whatever way you choose all that matters is you and the babies are healthy x x
I can't really talk about natural as Ive never had one, and even tho you guys tell me that it's nothin to miss and still impossibley painful and hard mentally and physically- I would always opt natural if I could , let things happen as they would and use let hosp use section as a last resort. I would love to try natural, and to be honest the extra recovery of a section with two babies to look after would scare the pants off me, and I'm use to sections and get over them quickly I feel . Lots of things could happen between now and 37 weeks, like one stays breach or one gets big etc , so let hosp and babies decide for you, saves stress - Good luck with your decision.

Oh , as twins you may have yours slightly early - and two out of three of my babies at 38 weeks had wet lungs, where the lack of natural labour prevents the squeesing out of the lung fluid called surfactant, meaning laboured breathing after birth and stays in scubu. My consultant told me that at the moment - It actually is 50 % chance rate of babies at 38 weeks have this, but goes down to 25% rate chance at 39 weeks for elective sections. hence my baby this time is going past 39 weeks. If you labour and then end up with emergency, allthough sudden etc,, you will already had a chance to squeese this fluid out

Sorry to go on, caused me lots of issues, nothing to say it would you, but something I feel that gets swept under the carpet too much , I was never aware before my first of the risks.
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