C Section ladies


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Does anyone have really tender skin above scar? Mine is on the skin under my belly button. It feels like sun burn almost and is tender to touch.

I also get stabby feelings occasionally inside still, but am assuming that's where internal stitches were.

Ooh and out of interest, does anyone else have a rather unattractive overhang now on the belly if that makes sense?!

Thanks :hug:

Yes to the overhang but no pain, I actually have numbness around that area and it's horrible if clothes touch it :( x
Both are normal, I had a section just over 7 months ago & the numbness & odd pains around the skin are still there the pains are the nerves reattaching apparantly i got like pins and needle type pains. The numbness gradually disappears but is permanent for some people.
The pains inside are also normal just everything going back into place.
You have a long way to go yet in your recovery yet hun so dont stress it was 2-3 months before i felt normal again easily x
All of the above....overhang, occasional stabbing pain and numbness! Assume it must be quite normal?

I read somewhere that it can take a good few years for all feeling to come back!! X

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
I didn't have any of that sorry but Ive heard everything you've said is completely normal. I expected most of those things tbh but got off lucky.
I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing these types of pains!
I had a bit of an over hang before but it's really tucked up underneath now :(

Skin is a bit tender but I alternate Sudocreme and Arnica each day which helps.

And yes to the prickly feelings too!!
After thr c-section (for the first few months) yes. And when jeans rubbed on it etc it irritated me...and i got a weird sensation when i touched the scar, but now i dont even notice it tbh! I dont have an overhang though.
Phew! Thanks ladies. The overhang is not pretty! Lol. My scar is underneath it so I can't even see it. It's like someone put a pin in me. He's worth it though of course. My bikini days were long over anyway.xx
Phew! Thanks ladies. The overhang is not pretty! Lol. My scar is underneath it so I can't even see it. It's like someone put a pin in me. He's worth it though of course. My bikini days were long over anyway.xx

Dontmworry! Give yourself time! Your lo is only a few weeks old!!! Xoxo
My tummy used to get stabby pains for ages afterwards, and still do occassionally, esp now pregnant again. It's also completely number between scar and almost to belly button and dont' expect feeling to return ever, which doesn't bother me until I touch there and it feels so bizarre.

I do have an overhang. I lost all my baby and my section tummy got so much smaller but still overhung.

I think you can go to gp and lay it on thick about how you hate it and they might rectify it on nhs, but it's at their discretion and there are conditions. Sterilisation is one! I would go for it after this baby but I don't trust the nhs and their mrsa lol So i'm gonna save an go private if after I've lost this baby weight it still gets me down! About £6k apparently :cry:
Mines numb! U can run your finger across parts of my stomach and not feel it!! :/
Thanks ladies. It's interesting to hear everyones stories.

Parts of mine is numb, it's bizzare.

HV was round today and I told her about the tenderness and she looked totally perplexed :roll: and told me to mention it to GP at my appointment tmrw. I will do, but wouldn't think it's anything to worry about having read your replies.

Mums friends scar is still numb 15 years on!!
Me too to the overhang and numbness! Not nice! I'm gutted too because now I can actually see the scar it's so uneven and so is the overhang it's awful :-( :-( feel awful x
I have a over hang and numb scar and prickly feeling around it 13 years later. lol. xx
Spoke to GP when I was in for bp about sunburn/tender sensation on skin between belly button and scar. She just said that it was normal and that they're pretty rough when they take baby out as they have to do it quickly. She basically said that they pull at the skin really hard, which we all figured anyway lol.

Spoke to GP when I was in for bp about sunburn/tender sensation on skin between belly button and scar. She just said that it was normal and that they're pretty rough when they take baby out as they have to do it quickly. She basically said that they pull at the skin really hard, which we all figured anyway lol.


Rough is an understatement lol

When they had cut me open to get Oz out I couldnt' breathe and I was panicing and the anthaetist, who had to hold my hand throughout the procedure lol, said 'it's because they are kneeling on your chest to pull LO out'!!! He was so wedged in there it felt like aaages til they got him out, they were well tugging, but it was all so quick.

I did get off lucky with scar though, it's so so neat I can't complain about that part!

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