C-section, is a general anesthetic more risky than local?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Hi just a general question, I wondered if a general anesthetic was any more risky to the baby than a local anesthetic when having a Caesarian? Also howlong are you under general anesthetic when having a section?

Thanks xx
Yes, it is more risky. The surgeon will generally opt for a GA as a last resort. GA is more risky for mum also.
GA is much more risky. I was terrified when I went in to have my 2nd section so I opted for GA instead of spinal/epidural.
Biggest mistake ever. They couldn't keep my co2 levels up and this meant DS wasn't getting any oxygen. They struggled to wake me up and I've had chest/lung problems since and when DS was born he wasn't breathing and had to have oxygen.
I would say overall, its much riskier xx
Thanks I'm hoping I don't need one but whatever is needed for safety of baby is needed x
GA is riskier, but can be administered much faster than a spinal block, hence why they use GA for emergency sections where the baby is distressed and they need to get it out ASAP. Generally they prefer not to use GA for planned or less urgent unplanned sections (such as for example if you turn up to the hospital in labour and they find baby is breech or baby's head is in a bad position and won't come out naturally but isn't in any distress).

With GA you also miss out on immediate skin to skin. how long you're kept under will depend on the circumstances, but it does take a while to sew everything back up after they get the baby out (can't remember exactly, but think it was something along the lines of they can get the baby out in about 5min with a GA, but it then takes an hour or two to sew all the layers back up). With the local, you can be holding baby and having skin to skin etc while they sew you up.

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