C & G Comfort, Colic, Wind & Runny Poo


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Does anyone have any experience of C & G COMFORT milk? I put Emma on it because she was very colicky.. screaming, crying, going stiff and red etc for a good few hours a day. i also tried infacol and then dentinox but she still seems to be doing it and suffering with wind/tummy pains.. it is definately something to do with digestion and quite often she has a massive poo and is then much better but I don't know if switching to COMFORT actually helped or not... now her poos are quite runny and yellowy/ green and really stink.. i don't remember Josies poos being this smelly!! I just don't know now what has/hasn't worked (changing to comfort / dentinox etc) and whether i should just change completely to something like Aptamil and start all over again to see if that helps... i'm a bit worried that the comfort is making her poo bit too runny and might be not even be helping her... is it ok to switch milk again... she started off on normal cow and gate, then comfort?
Try her for at least a week on new milk and see if things settle down b4 changing again. Have u tried changing her bottles? Dr.browns are really good for colic xx
Sorry no advice, all mine were on cow and gate, and only the first one had colic, went on for about 4 months, and infacol did not get rid of it, but did help, along with gripe water

Have you tried a dummy? as sucking on something can help with colic pain and when they end up having more feed to suck on a bottle, the extra feed can make it worse, where a dummy is sucking without extra milk if you know what I mean.

Hope you can get some good feedback from the ladies
ahw thanks - i keep trying with the dummy and she geting more used to it but keeps spitting it out as if to say "but wheres the milk?" will percevere though - made the decision to swap comepltely to aptamil today ( afte 3 weeks of c andg comfort ) and see what happens - so far she slept nearly all day!!!!!
Hi Treeze,

My daughter was on aptimil for the first 2.5 weeks but she was making straining nosies in her sleep so the HV advised me to swap to Cow & Gate Comfort. She's been on that now for 7.5 weeks and is doing great. However, her farts and poo stink big time and the poo is always green and runny. This is normal with this milk (I phoned Cow and Gate about it). I was going to swap her to normal cow and gate milk as she is fine now but the lady on the advice line told me you must introduce new milk slowly after being on comfort. The reason being that comfort is so gentle on their stomachs, new milk is too harsh for want of a better word. I was advised to only give her new milk at lunch time firstly for a few days and then slwoly swap each feed over a couple of weeks. It sounded like too much hard work so I left her on comfort. Maybe you should call the advice line - they are really helpful.

The c and w comfort milk has seemed to really help Emily, she was on SMA at the beginning. Her poo is yellowy/green and it STINKS. I woke up to that smell this morning and felt sick - and things like that don't usually bother me :lol:

So have you completely changed to Aptamil Comfort? Or normal Aptimal? I think I saw a difference within 2 weeks of changing milk and using infacol, I also started gripe water 4 weeks ago, but don't always use it. She's been a bit colicky today but she is so much better than she was.

Hope things get better soon!

x x x x
Emma's been on the normal aptamil for about 2 weeks now and seems much better and the poo's are all back to normal (they went through the mustard seed stage again and everything!) - but yes much better now and I just stopped everything else - infacol dentinox etc. I just never knew which thing it was that was helping or not. Have also swapped to no.2 teats now which seem to really help too!

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