Bye Bye Tri3 xXx

:wave: see you around hun :hug: it's gonna be quiet around here without you and Sharne lol
:wave: All the best Dannii, and enjoy every moment with little Evie!
Sarah x

i don't want you to go hun :( it wont be the same without you :(

BUT i will be joining you over in parenting soon enough with my own little bundle!! :D

see you soon hunny :wave:

love to you and Evie :hug:
Noooooooo :cry: #
It won't be the same in here without your posts. Make sure you stick around and reply to our messages though......we still need all the advice we can get :rotfl:

good luck to you and your beautiful Miss Evie and hoping to see you in parenting soon

Off to read your birth story now

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww we'll miss you in here :(

Enjoy being a mammy to your gorgeous girl and i'll see you around the other sections of the forum.

Off to read your birth story now.

Take care :hug: xxxx
Its been great Dannii to read your experiences and of course your birth story, sounded hellish :evil: But Im sure having Evie has made up for that, shes a lovely little baby girl and has a really great mum, she has a great start in life already.

Take care, it doesnt look like long and I will be on the other side. all the best :hug:
And thank YOU for everything you've done to make this place the welcoming supportive fun place it is! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hopefully see you over in the parenting threads soon, unless I disprove the theory that you can't be pregnant forever of course... :think:
Awww you're all such lovely ladies! Every single baby being born on this forum is very lucky to have Mummies like you lot! :cheer:


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