Buying things for baby


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2007
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Have any of you started yet?

Dating scan put me four days ahead of my ticker so I'm officially 15 weeks now and I'm keen to start buying things but Hubby's a bit reluctant.

I just think it makes sense to start building up things now from a financial point of view plus from a personal point of view I just want to buy some baby things he he. :D

So wondered what you girls thoughts are?
Its a bit different for me because I have all the essentials from last time but like you I'd love to start buying.... but it seems silly at the moment.

With Lucy I bought little bits and pieces as I went but mainly kept the bigger things till last but made sure I spent time researching what I wanted.

The other thing is to consider what you want and think you need versus what you really need. Its easy to go overboard when you see so much in the shops that really you don't need!

But on the whole there's no harm in making a list and start looking at the different brands/styles etc.
Yeah, thats what Hubby thinks that we should start making lists of what we need and have a look about. I think I'm just too excited lol. :roll: :lol:
i started buying little things really early, now im only getting round to choosing a moses basket etc
Ive bought things.

Ive got 2 snowsuits from ebay thought id get them cheaper if i buy in the summer.
A cot mobile and a playmat.

Some vests and babygrows.

I have a donated bath top and tail set and changing mat

I also have a big bag of boys clothes given to me by a friend which will turn out to be great or ill just have to give them away.
we bought quite alot by 15 weeks and then when we had the anomaly scan at 20 weeks we went crazy buying everything we need.

Some people dont like too buy too much early on cause it might be tempting something, but we just did what we wanted to do and was always thinking positive.
Ive just bought a swing from mothercare reduced from 50..00 to 25.00 and also used a 20% off code, so thought i got quite a bargain!!
I would start researching and choosing what you want.

I'm a bit stuck now as I've bought the pram but can't get the footmuff that goes with it as it's out of stock and has been since March :x . Mothercare are very unhelpful after my many many emails so I've got to get a different colour which doesn't go with the pram in case it doesn't come in.
I've literally only just started to buy things now :) I'm ordering my pram next week when it is back in stock, and I have ordered the matching changing bag already - so exciting!

I plan to buy a few things this week - there's a bouncer I have my eye on and I'd like to get a couple of vests and things. I've waited until now to buy anything so feel in need of a splurge! :D

C xxx
I've bought a few bits already! But Im waiting to find out the sex so I can buy more lol!
I want everything pink or blue etc so I need to wait! And we will have to hold off big stuff purely because I need to re-decorate the spare room and will have nowhere to put everything!
It so annoying though lol I want to be buying NOW haha Im so impatient!
Ive bought lots but been picking up small baragins along the way (car boots are great!) I will leave the big items til last (she says having ordered a chest of drawers today!)

I did think about the tempting fate thing but IF something happened (god forbid) then the items i have bought are all boxed up under the bed at the moment.

Claire x
i bought breast pump & couple of bottles to go with it as well as breast pads after our 12 weeks scan as they were 50% off in tesco & i doubted that the make would be any cheaper b4 little one is born.... we then started getting little bits everynow & then. got a lot of stuff from baby show but cant remember how many weeks i was then. its a lot better to get a bit every now & then as it doesnt feel like we've spent much although we've got everythin i think... bar a bath :D
I am 15 weeks and 3 days and i have loadddddddsa stuff.

We started small with just basic clothing like vests and sleep suits, then as and when we saw great offers we bought them.

Even got a swinging crib, cot toys, monitor and gro bag egg.

Ebay is amazing and you can get some really great suff. :D
I think its best to start buying when you can in order to spread out the cost..and not be hit with a massive chunk coming out your bank accout near the end.

Buying stuff early is not gonna affect anything, I believe this superstitious thing is nonsense...that said Im waiting till the 20 week scan so we know the sex, and I can get the specific things I have my eye on :lol:
We treated ourselves to one outfit after the dating scan but then when DH suggested getting more things, I suddenly went into a panic and decided not to buy anything else until after the anomaly scan - I'm not being negative - just think it would make things harder to have a house full of stuff if we found out something was seriously wrong (hope not though! :pray: )
I've not bought anything yet. Not because of superstision but we just want to wait to make sure that everything is OK at our 20 week scan. If there was something wrong I wouldn't want to try again straight away and wouldn't want loads of baby stuff hanging around.

The only baby thing we have is a I heart NY vest that a friend got us. I know my mum has got a load of stuff for us though.
Wasnt going to till after the 20 weeks scan, but saw a sterilliser for £5.00 in Tesco & couldnt miss such a bargain!! After the scan, we'll hopefully know what colour we are having, so will be buying away!!!!
I started buying things when I was about 15-16 weeks. Just clothes. They are too cute so I can never resist. But i think it makes sense to start buying early so you don't have to run around shops when you are about to give birth and spend all money at once! :wink: x
I wasn't going to buy anything until after 24weeks when baby is 'viable' but I ended up getting broody after my 11week scan and got a few 0-3month old clothes from ebay at around 16weeks and since then I just brought 2 new tops and some scratch mitts from mothercare yesterday (now just shy 23 weeks :oops: )

I have highlighted most of the stuff we need now though and wanted to use mother cares reserve now and pay in installments thingy....but hubby is reluctant - he'd rather wait until we have the cash and get it all at once nearer the time :roll:

I guess now that babies kicking it's all a lot more real to me and the anomoly scan showed everything was fine, so I'm more relaxed now and getting quite broody :lol:

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