Bump seems to have dropped


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2014
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I'm not sure if it's my imagination but today my bump looks like it's dropped much lower, my SPD pain has also been loads worse and walking or moving seems to have become more difficult.
I'm 36+2, I just wondered what it means when the bump drops, does it mean baby is coming soon or is it quite normal around this time?
I have a midwife appointment tomorrow but I'm very impatient haha xo
My bump started to drop around about the same time as you. Just means that baby might be heading in the right direction but doesnt necessarily mean that baby will arrive any time soon xxx
My bump hasn't dropped yet but my god does it feel like he's making his escape bid!! Soooo much pressure down below! Your midwife will tell you whether he's moved down and is engaged and in position ready to go! Although as rachel said, don't think it means LO will arrive early.

Good luck with midwife tomorrow! :) xx
I'm 34 weeks and my bump dropped last week. It's taken quite a lot of pressure off my diaphragm but has put more on my bladder. I saw the midwife who said its normal and isn't a sign baby will come early
My bump dropped at 35 weeks when baby engaged, midwife confirms baby is pretty much fully engaged but she said in first babies even when fully engaged it can take a while to go into labour, she said could be this week but could be a few weeks still. I'm 36+5 today

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