Bump Question


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I am trying to wait patiently for my bump to appear :roll:

When it starts does it start right down at your pubic hair and bulge out from there or does it start a bit higher?

My stomach is a bit bigger than it used to be but I think it is just bloat still.

I am getting impatient :rotfl:
it does start from your pubic bone.. but not a huge amount xx.. i just cant wait to feel it kick and that
My bump came at 8 weeks :shock: I couldn't believe it!!! It starts right from the bottom, mines always been pretty rounded..
I seem to be growing from under my boobs first :)
I honestly wouldn't wish it to come too soon as mine appeared at 7 weeks so it was a nightmare to keep my pregnancy quiet until 3months. I went to a wedding last weekend and a drunk girl spent the whole evening saying that she couldn't believe how massive I was and that my baby was going to be a giant - I hasten to add I promptly burst into tears and my hubbie had to take me away and calm me down. I had never met this girl before in my life!
Ive got my SIL wedding in four weeks time...I'm lucky...they will all be speaking Swedish and Finnish so even if someone does insult me....I won't understand :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Ill be around 17 weeks then...and I was HUGE last time by 17 weeks.
batgirl3111 said:
I honestly wouldn't wish it to come too soon as mine appeared at 7 weeks so it was a nightmare to keep my pregnancy quiet until 3months. I went to a wedding last weekend and a drunk girl spent the whole evening saying that she couldn't believe how massive I was and that my baby was going to be a giant - I hasten to add I promptly burst into tears and my hubbie had to take me away and calm me down. I had never met this girl before in my life!

Aw hun :hug: I hate the way people feel they can put you down just because youre PG. People keep saying to me how much better I make them look now I'm 'fat' :x
Thanks guys, it makes me feel better. I really don't know why people feel that they can pass comment about the way you look when you are pregnant. To be honest I think the girl was just jealous cos she was single and not pregnant - at least that is what I am choosing to believe!!!
Squiglet said:
Ive got my SIL wedding in four weeks time...I'm lucky...they will all be speaking Swedish and Finnish so even if someone does insult me....I won't understand :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Ill be around 17 weeks then...and I was HUGE last time by 17 weeks.

Well I am supposed to be being a bridesmaid in a month and a half :shock:
Mine is def starting to appear now and it's low down. My stomach above it has been a bit more sticky out for a while, combination of bloating, everything being pushed up a bit, and maybe a little bit of cake! :oops:

I'm a size 10-12 and my size 10 trousers are uncomfortable now. Some tops are getting bad as well but that's mainly due to my GINORMOUS (and I mean seriously, no-one would be jealous apart from a prize milker!) bosoms. Here comes matronly! :doh:
I have a little bump compared to before but to everyone else I just look fat now! At least when it becomes a bit bigger I shouldn't look like I've had too many pies...
My bump is wierd, I think it's because I am tall?

It's bigger up top than down below, each week it feels harder but some times, when wearing certain things, my upper part of my tummy seems to stick out a little more than the lower part :shock:
CarlyBaby said:
fothers said:
I have a little bump compared to before but to everyone else I just look fat now! At least when it becomes a bit bigger I shouldn't look like I've had too many pies...

Snnnapppp !! ... This Is Whats Happening To me At The Mo Lol
Bring On The Big Round Bellies :cheer:

You won't be saying that once you've got one!!!

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