Bump feeling heavy!!

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I was at work earlier and noticed my bump had started to ache around mid afternoon. It felt really heavy! I've been in my feet most of the day so that's prob why but it feels like little man's had a growth spurt and my bumps completly him!! I'm working full time for the next 5 weeks before I start my mat leave so I can get some extra pennies for little man but I don't know how I'm gonna manage it if I'm acheing this much after one day! Lol

Does anyone else find their bumps go heavy and hard after a long day?!?
Yep hun even at my stage, I'm so glad to get sitting down in the evening :(

Hope you're ok xx
I sit at a desk all day but after lunch my bump feels really heavy and seems to start growing until around this time of night it's huge!!

Are you able to take rests during the day to put your feet up for a bit?
This is gonna sound silly but I don't wanna moan at work! There's alot of girls pregnant there ATM and their all moaning about little things even though I'm the furthest gone!! I might ask for easier treatments though so I can sit down while I'm doing them.
Ooh mamafy, have you got your 20 week scan soon? Can't believe your nearly half way or already past half way in your case!!! :D
do those pregnancy support straps, bands actually work? maybee they are worth a look if your always on your feet? roll on your mat leave Hun X
I was thinking about getting one of those, their only a fiver! You have just reminded me though, normally I do my trousers up with a hairband but yesterday I didn't I just tucked the top of them in so maybe I wasn't getting enough support! Gonna have to use my trusted hair band today lol
Some of the tummy bands you can get have quite a lot of support. Might be worth a try.

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