Bump and my cat had a fight...


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Bump won! Hehe

I was laid down on the sofa last night and my cat came an laid on my belly (i was on my side) and was purring away going to sleep when the baby started kicking right where he was... it kicked about five times in a row the hardest its ever done...
After two kicks the cat looked in annoyance at my belly and by the fith he stood up and went to lay on DH...
I know he could feel it because i put my hand on my belly and could feel it quite well... Looks like the baby is showing who is boss early lol x
:rotfl: My cat has loved my bump until the other day! She come & rested on my bump and LO kept kicking her!! She was staring down where she was kicking as if to say 'what is that??' a few more times and that was it!! She'd had enough!! She now sits on the opposite sofa :(
My LO is having a very kicky day today. Wondering if I should entice a cat onto my bump now to see what happens.
I felt bad because he has been a little baby untill now and cuddles all the time with me... he looked so ticked off at me and sat sulking after getting kicked... i told him to wait untill there is a toddler after his tale... he did come back later on but laid high up away from my belly lol
Do it ninjakitty lol... i want to know if its all unborn babies who dont like the cats... maybe it was the purring x
Awwwww. I had 3 cats all wanting a cuddle this morning. Don't know how they're gonna react when they're not allowed in the bedroon and cuddle time in the morning is taken up by LO.
Lol, useless bit of info but they reckon purring is the reason cats heal so well, it emits a sonic wave apparently that stimulates blood flow and internal repair. Am kind of glad our poor old cat isn't here any more cos she was even jealous of the laptop, not sure how she would have reacted to a bump lol xxxxxxxxxx
Tibby hates it now she's not allowed in our room anymore! But the moses basket is in there and we have already caught her in it!! She casts bad as well :( I know she is hating not being allowed in our room, but I feel really bad now she cant even have a cuddle with me anymore! I keep trying to give her a fuss and so on.
Does anyone else's know how to play the guilt trip?? Tibby sits on the other sofa just stairing at me!!
How soft are all us with our cats lol, He is pathetic tho and will sit and cry to be let in the room for a cuddle... its going to be so hard when i can't because baby's sleeping x
To soft!! My cats are just like my kids!! I love them all to bits! I'm dreading it when LO is chasing them around the house lol x
lol my cat isnt allowed to sit on me cos i get annoyed when i cant move, hes happy enough to sit other places, hes never been allowed in the bedroom, im so glad he dosent spray in the house and now ive got him housetrained too. hes a lovely natured persian cat but i just cant baby animals lol, i was brought up to treat them like animals not ppl.
Last night my old moggy laid across belly. LO kicked him hard several times until he moved :D It is very funny.
Ha ha no way maybe its just all babies that dont like cats! I think that is a fantastic fact if its true x
Leandro freezes when celly climbs on me. its so funny hell be kicking away then she'll come along its like hes going what the hells that. but he always freezes whenever someone touches my bump or then itll take him ages to kick again. its me that pushes the cat off. can only stand her for a lil while then my eyes get all red and puffy anf cant stop sneezing. so if its not me pushing her away its her running away x
Has happened again this morning. Different cat came for a cuddle. He lasted 3 kicks before he decided to move.
I'm so jealous! I'd do anything for a car but OH is allergic :(

Your OH is allergic to cars?? :rofl:

Only joking! I know you meant cat.....I'm guessing your on your iPhone! Gotta love auto correct!!......I wrote Tammy the other day and it changed it to Fanny :shock: then tried to delete the post on FB and it wouldn't let me :roll:

Its kinda strange, cos Ash is allergic to my mums cat, but not ours! I cant figure that one out! I know he isn't faking it, as his eyes go red raw! Its just odd lol

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