

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2010
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Are these any good/ worth buying? How long can they be used for?

ANy other suggestions what i can use instead of a highchair when i start weaning H as he's not sitting on his own....

i think im going to get one. my friends baby is 7 months and shes had it for quite a while and just shoves it on her kitchen side if shes busy, takes it out on the stable yard (us yard girls like a handy thing to plonk baby in lol) and just uses it wherever really! her LO is tiiiiiny considering shes 7 months though, she fits ok, but i am unsure whether an average 7 month old would sit still long enough to be in one. they seem great though, just wouldnt buy one new or expensive, id just grab one off ebay x
i got my lo one from e-bay and i was so excited! he looks like a little prince in a throne! however...he doesnt seem too keen he'll sit maz 5mins and arch his back and try to launch himself out! im hoping he'll get used to it but i dont think so!!
My friend gave me hers and I tried Drake in it just now and ge absolutely loves it!! He looks well cute in it and loves being able to look all around! I would see if you could get a 2nd hand one though as not all babies like them!
try getting on off ur local net mums. ive had a few things off there quite cheap
we got ours second hand, Freddie can cope with it for about 5 mins, 10-15 if I'm sat playing with him, then he does the arching back thing and crying out, but that might be just cos he's not used to it. However he is fine sat in his high chair at the table with us, and we started doing that the same time as using the bumbo so maybe he just doesn't like it. He can't sit up on his own yet but the high chair has a good back to it and little bits on the side he can sort of lean on if he wants.
i loved mine till last night, my daughter used to sit fine in it, my son on the other and tries to get out but hes never managed to. i put him in it last night with his toys whilst i went in shower (he was right next to bath so i could see him) and he turned and launched himself out of it, iv never moved so quick in all my life. Really hate it now! lol x
^^ yeah my baby group have one of those and I think its better position than the bumbo! My friend who's a physio told me that they dont really help them learn how to sit up cos its a different position/muscles being used, but VERY useful especially when they get into that stage where they want you to hold them sitting/standing all the time! So just don't be fooled into thinking it might help them to sit up without it, but def use it for your own sanity and the babies enjoy it.
my mom picked ours up from a car boot sale for £4!!! bargain and never used! x
I have one, zach likes it for about 5 mins then arches his back and nearly gets himself out! You can get high chairs that recline, so they are not completely upright or flat x
Yeah Owen is the same, arches his back to get out if I'm not giving him my full attention. We borroed ours from a friend. My mate says his 2 year old still likes to sit in his though?! but do they expand cos can;t see how he'd fit!!
I have the prince lionheart one as I worked in a nursery and they had the bumbos they are brilliant but the prince lionheart has changeable play mats and a toy. X

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