
Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Blimming AF has got me again! :x
Was convinced it was this month...been feeling sick and tired. Just been on an adventure weekend with my class and didn't even pack any tampax i was so convinced! But no... the witch arrived with force today..regular as clockwork. Boo Hoo!
Any advice ladies...loads of BFPs lately???
The general advice this month seems to be get rd of your ticker, don't put your bum in the air afterwards, in fact don't even think about TTC - just bd every other day :wink:

really sorry she got you :hug:
Right ok...bum down... don't think about it...will try! ta v much :lol:
good luck.. i found putting my legs up against a wall helped.. just after bd'ing :rotfl:
ok bum up....blimey this is confusing!!! :rotfl:
Isn't it :D

Thing is all the official advice goes one way then everytime someone gets a bfp they say this is the month I didn't put my bum up, check for ovulation etc etc :?
I agree with libs, ditch the ticker, it just makes you look all the more.And no gymnastics after sex, just lay still in bed for half hour and dont rush off to the loo starightaway, and having an orgasam helps swimmers make their destination quicker :wink:

Good luck for next month, and dont baby make, just love make, will be all the more fun and spontaneous
This month I got my BFP and this is what I did:

* Got rid of my ticker (I got rid of it in the 2ww to help me chill out about testing)
* BD'd every day, some mornings (although I didn't BD on the day I ovulated so don't stress)
* I made sure I wasn't BDing with hubby but making love - so we got kinky and I went to the loo straight after - no legs in the air. TBH - I reckon legs in the air puts the sperm behind the cervix, specially the way mine is positioned.
* And I was still obsessing and symptom spotting so don't worry that thinking about it will stop you conceiving :hug:

Enjoy it - my best advice hun
Thank you
And congrats MM you deserve it xx :hug:
ta babylicious, looks like you've been trying about the same time as me! heres to our BFPs and we can chat in the 1st tri forum.....see positive thinking!!! :cheer:

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