

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Hello Mums - know I'm only 10 weeks but like to think ahead.

Have been thinking about buggies and quite like the travel systems (where you can put the carseat on to make it into a buggy or a carrycot on to make it into a pram). My question is, are they as convenient as they seem - or is it a pain in the ass to keep taking the car seat out of the car?
hey hun witch christopher we had the graco tour deluxe but i found it bulky and heavy so once he was 6months we got him a stroller.
this time however as we will still be using his stroller we are going for the graco mosaic as its a travel system yet its light and folds like a stroller ive had a play in mother car and love it . in terms of using a travel system i love the idea as christopher would always go to sleep in the car and all we had to do was whip the seat out and put it in the pram with out waking him .

so i personally love them hence having another one only lighter :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The amount of people that use them is vast so I'd say people liked them.

I personally don't like them so didn't get one. We got a 0-4 car seat from birth, stays in the car and then a pushchair with a lie flat pram for the first few months. As LO got a bit older we could tilt the lie flat pram up a bit more so he could sit upright better. Then we moved into the pushchair.
I got a travel system, but the type that car seat click directly onto the frame and its great. i actualy think its easier to get the car seat out as a whole than have to meddle with putting LO in and out IYKWIM.

I had a travel system with DS but it was one that you had to fix to the existing seat, that made it quite cumbersome, therefore I would advise getting the ones that fix directly to the frame so much lighter and easier to push plus its so much smaller in the boot of your car.

I must say I have not used mine much as a travel system (prob only about a hand full of times since LO arrived) as we baby wear most of the time, so the fact I paid less for a travel system than I would have done with a seperate pram and car seat is a bonus.
Thanks hun - that is the kind I was wanting to go for! Only have quite a little car!
Mothercare will fit them in your car for you so you can see what fits. Admittedly when we went to see if the one we wanted fitted I had to tell the woman how to fit it as she was making a complete mess of it! But we knew we were going to buy it from John Lewis' as it was on sale there anyway so I guess we can't complain too much.
The assistants are only supposed to leave the store to try seats in your car when it is light so at the moment it is a job for a Saturday, not an evening.
We've finally decided on the Mothercare MyChoice. I spent a couple of days last week while off sick researching my options. We'd already go it down to the MC, BeBe Loola and possibly the Britax Vigour which we hadn't seen yet.

We went into MC today and got a lovely lady who was very helpful and funny! The pram was so easy to collapse and wheel round (DHs 4 year old daughter wheeled it all around the shop last week without a problem!). The only thing it doesn't have is a solid carry cot in the sense that you can't actually carry it around with bubs in it but it's unlikely as that's what the car seat is for.

The chassis is £180, carry cot/buggy is £170 then a Maxi-Cosi car seat on top which at the minute is £115 in MC but I'm sure cheaper elsewhere.

I'm not looking any more no matter what anyone else says :shakehead:
I was shown that one too yummy mummy, and i was very taken with it but then i realised it didnt 'do' everything that I want from a pram, but the thing is, everyones needs are different, did she tell you that they are made by quinny!
Scones - yes and we put the MC and Quinny together and the similarities are staggering.

Out of interests sake (I promise not to go pram hunting again) what did the MC one not do for you? I'm a bit worried that I'm missing out on something but the Mama's & Papa's at £575+ seems a lot for peace of mind!
I bought a Loola travel system and it was fantastic. We only had a Fiat Punto and it fit in the boot of that. It was so easy to get in and out of the car.

Oh I loved the fact our car seat clipped into the pram, it is so convenient for quick dashs around town etc and when went went away once we only took the base and car seat to give us more room.

Whats your budget for your travel system?

The maxi cosi cabriofix is a great car seat and is compatible with loads of prams e.g bugaboo, quinny, phil and teds etc.

If I was going to choose now I would go for a bugaboo bee, I love them and saw a girl with a customised hood on hers the other day and it was gorgeous all pink and flowery. These fold small look nice and you can clip the maxi cosi onto the base. I wish I'd got a bugaboo bee istead of cameleon in hind sight. I think they are around £350.

ETA- had to post this link to the cool video, it used to be on in the hospital waiting room when I was pregnant- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=pUjUFpkecXk
ASD123456 said:
If I was going to choose now I would go for a bugaboo bee, I love them and saw a girl with a customised hood on hers the other day and it was gorgeous all pink and flowery. These fold small look nice and you can clip the maxi cosi onto the base. I wish I'd got a bugaboo bee istead of cameleon in hind sight. I think they are around £350.

It looks pretty but it's ridiculously tiny! I tried Layla in one when she was 8 months and she already totally filled the seat and looked squashed in :? She's not a big child so that's not the issue. I know I few people who have said they have had to sell there's as their children have not fit in after the age of 1.
Thanks for all the tips ladies!

A lot of the ones I've seen take babies up to 13kg - how old is that on average?
I had the Silver Cross 3D travel system which was brilliant until recently as it was really bulky for everyday use. I recently bought the Maclaren Quest buggy and I love it. I can fold it down with one hand while holding Aimee, been doing a lot of practise at home! :D

We don't have a car and if we do travel via a car it is always in my dads so he kept the car seat part of the pram as again attaching the car seat to the pram made it even more bulky and heavier to move. If you have a car then travel systems are good if you have enough space in the boot. It is awful when using public transport, I nearly broke the pram 2 weeks ago when a bus driver didn't stop close enough to the kerb and then never even helped me.
i dont kno any different coz i had a travel system bought for me so its all iv ever known- but iv found it VERY convenient! we got a graco quattro tour deluxe and its been fab for us. the pram i still use in pushchair mode obviously and it still looks pretty new! so sturdy! and the carseat isnt a pain. tbh we rarely used to take the pram in the car when millie was tiny- we'd just carry the carseat around if it was supermarket shop we'd just put the carseat into one of those carseat trolleys. only time we regretted it was when we went shopping in town once- DF thought he could carry little ten-pound-ish millie around easily in the carseat- LOL so wrong. ten pounds starts to feel heavy after a kilometre of walking or so :lol:
babyblonde said:
Thanks for all the tips ladies!

A lot of the ones I've seen take babies up to 13kg - how old is that on average?

from the side of my carseat box it says 12-15months approx
KJL said:
I have just got an icandy cherry and LOVE it :D It's super-duper light, seat faces both ways, it's attractive and so easy to fold. You can fit the maxicosi car seat on the chassi which is great.

Icandy cherry:

http://www.icandyuk.com/products_detail ... y_stroller

omg, i had a nosey at that link, and ventured off onto the "icandy apple special edition" and i'm totally in love!! Although the prices i've seen are around the £700 mark. i don't think i'll be able to blag that one haha.
i've been looking at the silver cross 3d range. OH has only got a fiesta but the chances of me & pram & baby being in the car are slim, i'm so looking forward to going to mothercare for a play around!! :cheer:

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