For those mums who've had 2 or babies, where your pregnancies similar and did you have same sex babies? I guess what I'm really asking is if you've had a boy and a girl, did you carry them differently or have different symptoms etc? My first was a boy and really hoping for a girl this time, but trying not to dwell on it! Things have been slightly different this time in that I had a period of m/s, strong smells, a couple of weeks not being able to eat and generally feeling run down with loads of colds and other ailments. Last time I was pretty healthy, had no problems at all and not even a day of morning sickness, I was just constantly hungry from the minute I found out and ate 24/7 for the whole 9 months!!
I know it's a different pregnancy, this doesn't mean anything and they are all different etc, etc. Just wondering what your own experiences were? I'm getting mixed vibes on what baby might be and I just wanna know!
I know it's a different pregnancy, this doesn't mean anything and they are all different etc, etc. Just wondering what your own experiences were? I'm getting mixed vibes on what baby might be and I just wanna know!