Brown marks on Neck


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Dear All..seems I am again going paranoid with the strange brown marks I am getting all over..( the latest I have seen is on my neck..There are brown lines appearing at certain areas.. Initially I had them on my stomach near the belly button..Has any one else also observed this discoloration around the neck...please advise
i haven't had it but they call it 'the mask of pregnancy' it's the pigmentation in your skin or something?!

i think it goes once you have had baba :)
sorry can't help, but there were a couple of pregnanct ladies on here mums that mentioned they had this symptoms, hopefull they will tell you more, but they said it def goes after pregnancy X
im gettin a faint line on stomach near the belly button go up towards my boobs if you have a pregnany book that you got from the hospital look at that it tells you all about
Thanks all..I have started applying bio oil ..hoping it might help..
I have had it on my neck hubby accused me of not washing properly didn't even think it could be anything how crazy!?
same here hubby also told me am I not washing my neck properly...they seem to be quite apparent ..hoping they will fade away after having the baby..
When I first found out I was pregnant I read that apparently some women get a butterfly-shaped pigmentation on their face, and I remember ages ago about a woman who woke up 'black' during pregnancy as her melanin (?) went a bit crazy! So at least it's only on your neck lol!! And it will go away :)

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