Brown discharge at the START of my period


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi girls,
Normally when I come on my period, its bright red blood. However, I came on this morning and it automatically was thick and brown with a teeny bit of blood (this only normally ever happens the last few days of my cycle, never at the start!) I still had slight period pain / cramps in stomach as usual. I've been reading online that this COULD possibly mean pregnancy. What do you think? Am I just getting my hopes up all over again?
I don't normally come on for 40 days but today is 32 days... Which is early for me. (last.period started 24/8)
P.s: I'm not sure if this is relevant but there was quite a bit of it
could be an implantation bleed from ovulation - as old blood is brown! but could just be old blood from ovulation as i sometimes do pre period! hope its the implantation for you x give it maybe 2 days and do a test - as implantation is when a pregnancy starts so hcg doesnt build up until 2-3 days post x
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My period sometimes starts off brown at first.

I don't know what it means, but i do know that it doesn't mean i was pregnant :oooo:
Today it's been normal red in colour so I'm deffo NOT pregnant!
I just had a little hope because its never happened to me that way round before.

Oh well :( Maybe next month!!

Thanks for the two replies anyway :)

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