Brown blood 15 weeks


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Right woke up this morning went to the toilet and when i wiped i noticed brown discharge/blood it settled down and turned a little more lighter andhas completely stopped now. I am 15 weeks and was wondering if this was normal? I phoned the early pregnancy and explained to them she basically just told me to rest up and as long as it doesnt get worse i should be ok. I have my scan on wednesday at 2.30pm so hopefully i will be ok
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Put ur feet up hun :hugs: av u been checking alot today i bet you have havent you.
hope all is ok at the moment, didnt want to read an run xx
Ive not had any bleeding myslef but I think as long as its not bright red and you are not in any pain (cramping etc) you should be totally fine. Keep resting and you'll be good xxx
it sounds like just a bit of light spotting and so i think you'll be fine! if you have no pain or anything i wouldn't worry :) xxxx
I had the same at 9 weeks, 11 weeks and 15 weeks, went each time to the out of hours, they did a scan and all was fine. At 15 weeks i had light spotting for about 3 days. They said that as long as there isnt much and it isnt bright red blood not to worry and just take it easy, but if it does increase or becomes red to go to the hospital.

I would try not to worry and just rest, im sure everything is ok xxx
Same as the othes have said, should be fine, probably from you growing, have you shot up in size lately?

Enjoy your scan X
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I sure if its only brown spotting with no cramps you'll be fine. I had some light bleeding followed by a month of brown spotting from 12 weeks onwards. It turned out to be a hemotoma which is still there but smaller and i haven't had any trouble since. Just rest and mae sure your not lifting anything heavy or overdoing it x
thanks everyone for your help has made me feel much better. I have been for 2 emergency scans already one with cramps and the other with red blood but everything turned out ok thank god. Its easy enough to say its ok but the minute u see blood/discharge its bad thoughts straight away and specially when you have the easy option google which isnt always helpful. Hopefully everything goes the same this time fingers crossed.

Funny enough i havent got bigger maybe i have but its one of those things you dont notice yourself until othre notice it on you.
Just bk from the health centre today as yous all know i was very worried about the scan as i had bleeding. The scan went amazing my wee baby is doing fine with very strong heartbeat. I then seen my midwife for the first time got loads of blood taking for different things and also got blood taking for downsyndrome will get the results back in a few weeks. So I am 15 weeks 5 days pregnant and will get another scan in 4 weeks which will check for any deformities so heres hoping plus i get to find out the sex woop cant wait. And as for the bleeding the midwife didnt seem up or down she just says long as it aint bright red everything should be fine. So me and my OH are totally over the moon :dance::dance::dance::dance:
Glad everything went well with the scan and you got to see your babe again. Try to relax a little and lets hope any bleeding stays at bay - but if your mw isn't worried thats a good sign x
heres a wee pic of my baby at 15 weeks 5 days

Aw, great pic already!! My last scan just looked like TV static!! Haha!! Really pleased for you that everything is ok xx
Lovely scan hun :) xxxx glad everything is alright :)
wow Adele , really pleased for you that the baby is happy and well, and that's a great scan pic , 15 weeks and so fuly baby like! so clever.

Looking at your scan, I'm guessing a girl!
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Lovely picture Adele i'll go with boy hehe
thanks guy am very relieved myself to be honest still a little bleeding but not alot has really calmed down now. Cant wait for 4 weeks now until i can find out the sex hehe
Wow!!! Lush pic :)

Really glad everything is ok!!

Take care x

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