Brie :-(


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Hubby took me out for a meal the other night and I'm not into sweet things at the moment (I know - blasphemy) so I had cheese and biscuits for afters. For some reason I though that Brie was the blue one (Stilton) which I hate anyway, so ate the Brie thinking it was some strange cheese I hadn't seen before. It was soooo nice, and when looking for it in the supermarket I found out it was Brie.

I want some so much - it was delicious on a cream cracker with lots of butter and I really, and I mean really, want some :(
DH said to get some, and just not eat too much, but I know I wouldn't be able to ration myself and would just eat it constantly.
Why is it we're not allowed Brie? (here's hoping it's a reason like peanuts :pray: which I doubt!) ARRRRRRGH, why did I chose now to discover it?!
i thought we can have brie as long as its pasterised? some are not pasturised, so they say best to avoid all, but i eat it :cheer: i love it on toast hmmm
this is news to me also!!! I LOVE brie!! I have been desperately wanting a brie and cranberry baguette for weeks!!!!

I'm off to find pasturised brie.......
Its got something to do with some germ in it beginning with an L....... I was going to say Listerine but clearly thats not it!!!! I cant imagine mouth wash flavoured Brie!! Pregnant brain got the better of me again me thinks!!
I read that it is to do with the bacteria listeria (sp?) BUT if you heat the cheese hot it kills any bugs. I've been getting my blue cheese fix with hot blue cheese pasta sauces, but I think if the brie was bubbling on toast it should be all good.

I don't know that for sure though - I guess folksies have to make their own decisions. All I can say is I feel safe eating hot blue cheese sauces.
Tesco sell somerset pastuerised brie at their cheese counter beside the deli bit :D

enjoy :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug:
The white rind is mould ripened I believe...that's why we can't eat it.
I thought it was the mould in the rind too, the same as with camembert.
PASTERUISED BRIE.... why was I not told this before!!! ( i assume it isnt the same for red wine though dammnit!) :rotfl:
J-Do1979 said:
Its got something to do with some germ in it beginning with an L....... I was going to say Listerine but clearly thats not it!!!! I cant imagine mouth wash flavoured Brie!! Pregnant brain got the better of me again me thinks!!

Listerine :rotfl: I hope you can have that because I've been using that to get stop my gums bleeding...

Listeria is a bacteria that lives in unpasteurized dairy produce. technically we can have anything as long as it is pasteurized which a majority of products are nowadays. I ate brie loads in the beginning part of my pregnancy (the subsequently went off it).

The reasons why Pregnant women are supposed to be more careful about things like this is because our immune system is lower, but I know people with severe immune deficiency and well, they've eaten a ton of brie and never caught listeria. :think: It's very very rare...
ohh i loves you lot! i've even been dreaming about brie and started drooling at the thought of it when watching ratatouillie at the flicks the other day.
the midwife told me to avoid brie all together and goats cheese :s i dont like it anyway :)x
I have my Brie and am just about to eat it :D minus the rind though - just to make it feel like I am not being that naughty! I like it smooshed into crackers though so don't really enjoy the rind too much anyway :cheer:
So excited. What's the betting I go off it now :roll:
:cry: I've just read this and now I want some. Desperatley. The shop is 13 miles away....and I've just got back :roll:
I've set off a 2nd tri craving :lol:
I'm not allowed any as DH is making tea - will have it for supper though!
Mmmm yum, have been denying myself this cos I thought it wasnt allowed too!
Was thinking I will feel so deprived at Xmas with all those tasty cheeses in the fridge and not being allowed them! Bring on the Brie! :cheer:
Bacon brie and cranberry toasted sandwich heaven. Just make sure you melt the brie...............divine!!!
I can have brie? Really? You get it pasturised? You're not just making it up? I actually have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. :D
Can I have salami too if I heat it? If the answer is yes that will push me over the edge and I will start crying with joy!

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