Bricking it

Thanks you guys for all of your messages. It wasn't so bad. She has put me on 5mg of folic acid because of the miscarriage. Also she is doing a few hromone tests and may put me on progesterone supositories.

It's pretty much up to us how much investigating they do so for now we'll just do my hormone levels and next month if no bfp we'll look at hubbies swimmers. It's nice to know someone is being so attentive, even if we are paying for it. :D

Aw hun glad everything went well - Keeping everything crossed for you for next month.

Not sure if you've tried these already but you could try taking junior asprin 75mg. Its generally prescribed in the US to women who've had previous m/c's there's something in the asprin that prevents blood clots and also helps prepare your womb. I asked my dr about it when I was ttc and she said it certainly wouldn't do any harm to take it but they don't tend to recommend it here. Another thing is for DH to take Zinc that's meant to help with little swimmers motility - basically gets them swimming in the right direction. It's worth a try.
becs, u can get a home test for blokie swimmers from access dianostics, i know this cos it was blooming delivered on friday :wall:

and remember altho ive seen my fertillty consultant already ( he was also my surgeon) my appointment was next week to look at what was next !

good luck with the tests :hug: i recommend a weekend away when ya next near ovulation :cheer:
Aw thanks you lot.

Smurf I was on those baby asprins but sropped because I had mid cycle bleeding and wondered if that contributed. I'll go back on them DH is on zinc and follic acid, well he has them when he remembers.

Gem, that's really interesting about that test. I might get one.

Thanks again for your support. I was feeling like a bit of a broken woman having to go along but I don't now. I just feel better, because someone is looking into things.

B xxx
Hi Bex,

I am at the same stage as you, I had all my blood tests done 2 cycles ago (which were all okay), and were told we could get hubbies swimmers tested whenever we wanted.

I decided to wait another couple of months though, cos I was feeling more relaxed after finding out everything was okay, and knowing that my doctor is keen to help us, and thought that this new relaxed attitude might also help mother nature on her way!

AF is due on Friday (STILL haven't POAS'd yet!!!), but I feel that she is definately on her way... and if she does, then I think I will be asking hubbie to 'donate' as soon as he can!

J x
Jule said:
Hi Bex,

I am at the same stage as you, I had all my blood tests done 2 cycles ago (which were all okay), and were told we could get hubbies swimmers tested whenever we wanted.

I decided to wait another couple of months though, cos I was feeling more relaxed after finding out everything was okay, and knowing that my doctor is keen to help us, and thought that this new relaxed attitude might also help mother nature on her way!

AF is due on Friday (STILL haven't POAS'd yet!!!), but I feel that she is definately on her way... and if she does, then I think I will be asking hubbie to 'donate' as soon as he can!

J x

Hey Jule,

Good luck for a nfp and glad your tests came back okay.

Let me know how you get on!

Becs xx :hug:
Lots of hugs Becs :hug:
It is understandable that you are feeling anxious about this new step tomrrow. I hope it all goes well and has a positive outcome.
Wow becs i hope it all goes well and the stuff you have been given works and if it dont, then good lucxk for next month too
Hey Jule,

Good luck for a nfp and glad your tests came back okay.

Let me know how you get on!

Becs xx

Hi Becs,

The witch has arrived. I am GUTTED. Done nothing but cry!

Aw, well - here's to next month!

J x
Oh no sorry to hear that Jule! It's rotten isn't it. But the good news is that in two weeks time you could be pregnant. So good luck for this cycle.

Becs xx

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