breech at 30 weeks


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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hi im 30 weeks pregnant and my baby is in extended breech position,im not holding much hope as to baby moving,is anyone elses baby in this position?
Hey, I wouldn't give up hope just yet. My baby isn't breech. But I know that it's changed position from 32weeks and 35weeks. Think positive.xx
Hi, don't worry just yet. I was breech right up to 37 weeks. Went for final scan to start arranging Csection dates and the babes had turned. Didn't even feel it turn round just the
Normal movements. X
Hiya! Im the same 30 weeks and breech, I've had a lot of movement over the weekend and have a 3D scan booked tonight so I'm hoping baby's moved. I've been told not to worry as it can happen very late on without realising! Hope everything goes well xx
My bubs is lying transverse --sideways im 32 weeks
the docs told me not to worry too much and that they only start looking at it from 34 weeks!
always hope baby will move
my SIL was breech up until 38 weeks went in for an attempt at turning and baby had head down!
My lo is also transverse at 33 weeks. My midwife said not to worry til about 36 weeks as they often dont get into the right position until then.
thankyou ladies for your positive replys,ive had a nightmare pregnancy with bad sickness all the way through,ive also got a large fibroid,gestational diabetes and now breech lol hoping to have a positive end to it all x
My LO was head down from 27 weeks then at 32 turned breach and has now turned back head down. Midwife said nothing to worry about until 36weeks

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
My ds was transverse right up until nearly 37 weeks when they thought he was breech so I had a scan and he was head down!they just put it down to a peachy bum!!lol!! This baby is still breech at 33 wks but I'll find out next wk if baby has turned!
At my 32 week mw appt I was told my baby is breech. I was told to spend 10 mins a days on my hands and knees and to lie on my left side as this encourages him to turn into a better position. I'm not stressing about it yet tho as he moves around all over the place still.
you still have time at 30weeks of your little one turning.
Although i was told at 28weeks my Lo was breech but i think he was breech since i could feel him move cos the movement was always really low down till later pregnancy. My Lo didn't turn and i had an elective section x
hi im 30 weeks pregnant and my baby is in extended breech position,im not holding much hope as to baby moving,is anyone elses baby in this position?

Hey hun,

try not to worry,
my best mate was breech with her little girl from approx 30w, her daughter turned at 39w, she then went on th having a natural birth at 40w+5 x x hope this helps.
I've just come back from my Mw app &| our baby is breach atm :)

Little tinker lol
I wouldn't worry, you have plenty of time! I don't know how LO is laying :( X

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