Breathlessness and palpitations


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
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Hi everyone

I'm 4+6 and have been suffering breathlessness when going back up the stairs or rushing about for a couple of weeks, I only found out I was pregnant on Monday and have felt ok apart from twinges and sore boobs except for last night and this morning.

Last night I was so cold in bed I had to sleep with socks and dressing gown I felt like I had a chill on my spine.
This morning I woke and straight away felt breathless and had a racing heart.

I've suffered with palpitations in the past and had hospital checks which have shown sudden increased heart rates but as they couldn't find any irregular beats they discharged me.

I've read that breathlessness is normal in early pregnancy but just wondered how many of you are or have experienced similar?

Thanks in advance
Personally, if you are experiencing breathlessness and heart palpitations I would get yourself to the doctors. Both are normal in early pregnancy; I get breathless walking upstairs and I've got a history of palpitations with no found reason. If you are experiencing palpitations with breathlessness though I would get yourself checked out to be on the side of caution.

I hope all is well.
I have suffered from ectopic heartbeats and racing heart for years. The got a lot worse since becoming pregnant. I have had all sorts of tests done. EKG, Echo , 48 hour holter monitor and doctors say it is not life threatening, just an annoyance. They pot me on labetalol which is a beta blocker mainly used for blood pressure in pregnant women. It helps, but it still happens just not as much. I'm also very breathless with minimal exertion. I would defiantly see the doctor just to see if they can give you something to minimize symptoms. Good luck. :)
YES. Yes, yes, yes. I get freezing cold and I also get heart palpitations and breathless. Every time. It's totally normal!
Thanks ladies

Phoned doctor and discussed it with her. She said she would see me but that it sounded like a virus and as Someone who suffers with palpitations I will notice it more than most. She wasn't concerned re the pregnancy but if I get too breathless or start coughing stuff up to go in.

I was happy to monitor it as had started to feel achey and sore throat so guess I've picked up a bug as well. She said taking paracetamol would help and was fine in early pregnancy but I'm still not sure I'm considerable with that so trying not to
Make sure you drink lots of water, if you arnt your heart will work harder trying to fight a bug off, id also drop a water sample off too xx
Thanks Wilson

Had to cave in and take some paracetamol as got a temp and couldn't get warm even in a warm bath I had the chills. Knees are agony too.

Will ring doctor tomorrow if no better and take a sample in.

I came down with a cold/flu virus a few weeks into pregnancy and was getting really shivery beforehand.
Get the odd bit of breathlessness too - think that's normal :)

Lovely seeing you in the tri1 section! Xxx
Hi Naomi.

Sorry you were ill too but makes me feel more confident that is just one of those things that can happen.

OH said I've been groaning in my sleep and I've woke up very sweaty. Now got an upset tummy so pretty sure it's all a virus that I need to fight. Meant to be at work tomorrow but for the first time in my life I'm not even worried about calling in sick if I have too!
Definitely take time off if you need to - I went in and ended up being ill for three weeks so would be better for you to take time off and give yourself chance to get over it! Hope you feel better soon. For the cold symptoms I found lemon and ginger tea with a little honey helped xxx
Thanks Wilson

Had to cave in and take some paracetamol as got a temp and couldn't get warm even in a warm bath I had the chills. Knees are agony too.

Will ring doctor tomorrow if no better and take a sample in.


I think you might have a water infection my lovely, ive just had one and had all the same symptoms, make sure youbook into the gp to have your urine tested. Xx

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