

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2014
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Hi girls
I'm on day 3 after having baby!
I'm breastfeeding and finding it very painful.
Midwife has said he is latched on properly and that because I'm fair skinned I will be sore
I hadn't heard this before and everything I read keeps saying that it shouldn't be sore and to check he's on properly.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has found feeding very painful through a feed and they've persisted?
Thanks x
Keep at it hun, you're doing a fantastic job!
I don't know of any breastfeeding mum who didnt suffer through agonizing nipples in the early days. just make sure the latch is nice and wide EVERY time and take him off if it isn't. I do believe nipples have to harden to being sucked and pulled all day every day. Are they sore or cracked at all? Keep applying lansinoh cream if so and give them lots of air time to heal.
My little boy has a really tiny mouth so every time we feed I have to be careful how he latches. I use the flipple technique, so aim to latch baby on just below the nipple, as he goes to seal to your boob, pop the nipple in, this means he should have a good mouth full of boob beloe the nipple as well. There are videos on youtube if you search for breastfeeding and flipple technique. It should also be less tuggy when your milks in.

Good luck, all sounds normal so dont worry, you'redoing everything right its just difficult in the early days but it will get so much easier xx
The early days are the hardest, after the first week or two it gets much easier (saying that, I stopped BFing at 10 weeks). Sore nips soon became a distant memory. I remember the utter agony of the latch though. I had the HV and three separate MWs all tell me the latch was good.

Just wait for engorgement! Ouch.
Congratulations on your new baby!

Can you get to a local breastfeeding drop in clinic? I found them so useful... & it is always good to get a second or third opinion on the latch & the qualified breastfeeding staff there will have practical tips to help you.

My breastfeeding started out really painful as it turned out my son had a posterior tongue tie, which wasn't instantly obvious - so it took 7 weeks to be diagnosed. There can be all sorts of reasons that it hurts.

It could be that all is well though and your nipples just need a chance to get used to it. Using lots & lots of Lansinoh religiously after every single feed & more in-between feeds made such a difference to me. It does get easier I promise - we are 2 years in now after a very rocky start. I hope you get the support you need!
I don't know anyone who didn't have pain in early days!! I second lasinoh cream- use sparingly after a feed just where the crack is. I was told to use it before feed but just made it too slippy for baby. Keep going- And defo get checked for tongue tie if doesn't improve, my lo has had it snipped twice as it reattached, it's far back so was missed by midwife and 2 hv, need to get a specialist to check
I'm very pale and was told I may experience pain due to sensitive skin. I've been lucky and had no problems. Keep going! It will get better and less sore once your nipples get used to it. Use lots of cream and keep checking the latch!
I'm very fair skinned but not heard that one before! I did however initially find breastfeeding agony for a number of reasons, although my baby's latch was poor at the start due to a tongue tie. I found it took several weeks for the pain to recede but now I am breastfeeding pain-free and happily at 7 months so I would really encourage you to stick at it if you can!

The tip I was given was to count away the first 60 seconds as they're the most painful. I was also using a breastfeeding cushion/pillows for support, lansinoh cream and nipple shields to help with the soreness and I often distracted myself during those long initial feeds by watching the telly (I've now probably watched most episodes of NCIS!)

Good luck xx
Oh jeez it was painful in the beginning, your nipples arent used to being sucked on for however many hours every day. I used to use cream before bed and in the morning which helped, I hope you manage to get through it xx
Had Beatrice taken a bottle and formula she'd have been bottle fed.

I got to day 4 and she was sicking up my blood where my nipples were so sore and wrecked. We managed for a week with me expressing and getting a few oz's here and there into her with a bottle - which she hated.

Once my nipples felt better we tried again and as they say the rest is history. We still ebf now (6.5 months although we've just started the weaning process)

Do you have a lactation consultant you can speak to hun?

Lots and lots of Lanisoh will help too.

Keep at it, you are doing a fab job and yep it really does hurt to begin with.

Girls thanks so much for this! We're on Day 7 today! Can't believe my wee man is a week old!
I'm now starting to panic a bit...again.
What happens if baby decides to not feed every 3 hours and decides they need a top up but you've to be somewhere?
Hubby has decided to go to football training tonight so I've to collect my 5 year old from a youth event. My problem is that baby is due a feed around this time. How do you get round this?
Thanks x
Just go with it. Either feed before hand or just do your errand, baby will likely sleep the extra 20mins as you'll be in the car or have pushchair etc but i not what's he worst that can happen? You pull over and feed baby. Try not to worrying I spent the early weeks stressing about when was best to leave the house between feeds but now I just get on with whatever I need to do, if baby needs to be fed he tells me and I feed him. Try and build your confidence with public feeding and the worlds your oyster :)
Yep just feed wherever and whenever! I thought I'd worry where I feed but if my baby wants a meal I feed her and screw what people think ;) I use a scarf so no one can see boob anyway :) well done, it's so hard but worth it! :)

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