
confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Need some advice.. gP and my SIS in law says I should feed baby for 10mins each side..for even supply...been trying that past few days.. My problem is he never wants to feed from the 2nd side, he filled up on the 1st side.. or if he goes on 2nd side it will b for a few mins... What should i do?? Before I was told this I just used to let him feed on one boob, and if he was still hungry is put him on second boob for however long he wants...

What should i do? What's the best way?
Ju let your baby lead the way. I find setting timings on breastfeeding doesnt work! People have told me only feed for x amount of time but baby will feed for as long or as little as they want. Demand feeding is best for getting supply even x
Sil was telling me if he doesn't feed evenly ill have a heavier boob than the other and leak even more
Just make sure you start on a different side at the beginning of each feed hun. Left side one feed, right side next feed, left side next feed etc.

ahhh i understand, what if he feeds one boob, wants the 2nd boob and stops after cpl mins, should i offer that boob on next feeD? can u believe he is almost 6weeks and i still dont get this breastfeeding thing lol
Yea, whichever book isn't emptied fully, offer first on the next feed. It gets easier hun, give it a few months and you'll be doing it in your sleep :D it does start off tough though.

I swap from boob to boob, even now I still do it and i've never had any leaks or discomfort
I also do a boob per feed and don't have any problems what so ever.

I thought they stopped the 10 min per boob thing as babies were mostly get the fore milk and only a little bit of the hind milk was is the fattier most satisfying bit for baby x
Excuse my typos! I am on my phone x
The 10 mins each side used to be 'the way', but the way I do it that has always worked is like the others said. Offer one side, put on the other if needed, then start on that second side next time. Although I have one side that fills up faster than the other, lol, so if it's been a long time I put her on that side!!
my right boobs always bloody leaking and full lol.. do u ladies ever have it that when ur feeding with one boobs the other goes crazy leaking lol i have this every night when i feed him from the left my right side leaks looooads n soaks my clothes
Lol I used to have that all the time if she had gone for long without feeding.

I find that if I am very full in the morning if I feed off one side and express from the other it solves the leaky prob and I have some milk for the freezer x
Yep I get that too but I noticed I don't leak as much now I think gradually it calms down x
My leaking stopped around about the 6 week mark - you body works out how much your baby needs and doesnt waste resources making more milk than needed.
Like the other girls said, swap which side you offer first each feed and dont time it, demand feeding is the way to go - my LO used to take anywhere from 40-60mins to feed, went down to 20-25mins by 3 months old and now its less than 10mins and he's always taken and emptied both sides, just go with what your LO wants.
Haha go you! Some for the freezer! You must be like me and have loads of milk! X
Have you found that you are less leaky today after expressing till empty this morning? X
i still managed to leak, my boobs dont feel hard tho but my clothes get soaked, so either my boobs have loads of milk in them or ive got shitty breast pads!
Hmmm...what breastpads are you using? I used the tesco ones and they were brill but I did have to use 2 at a time sometimes till my milk flow evened out and change both sides at every feed (1.5-2hours)

Have you thought about getting the plastic cup/shell type things that collect the milk? I can't remember what they are called but they go in your bra! I used them years ago when I was bf my son as I was constantly soaked and breastpads were crap. X
I had Tesco ones but everytime I go back they're sold out, so got sainsbury ones, I change em every cpl hours still get drenched, I might get some reusable ones, I went thru 3 packs of sainsbury pads in one week!

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