I don't know anyone who has breastfed,therefore I am hoping I can get some sound advice and opinion from you ladies,as always - I really don't know what I would do without you!
I have been breastfeeding Finn since birth,and apart from a few minor problems,thought I had been quite successful at it.While I was in the hospital,they looked at my feeding chart,watched me feed him,all that was fine.They said he was a hungry baby,I could supplement him with a cup feed,of which he had two whilst in there,straight after being on the boob.However,for some reason when I got home he started to lap at my boob as if it was the cup,so I decided to use a bottle to top him up instead(one of those Tommee Tippee ones that are like a boob)The top ups have been with expressed breast milk.Finn had gained weight in his first two weeks.I felt really proud of myself,because I had always thought "how do I know he is getting enough feed from me" because he feeds for what seems like an age,plus the fact he has these top ups after a booby feed,so I was delighted.

Then last week,the health visitor came to weigh him,and he had lost weight.She weighed him on electronic scales as oppose to the midwife weighing him on what I call the fishing scales,and it was showing that he had dropped from 8.8lb to 8.2lb

It was awful.When they weighed him upon arrival,on different scales again,he weighed 8.4lb.They told me I could not put him on my boob,but had to express everything so they could see how much he was taking.

The plan was for me to feed him 100ml every 4 hours.They didn't watch him feed at all,I could have been tipping it down the sink for all they knew.They even made me wake him for a night feed,which he did not like at all.Anyway,after our overnight stay,when they weighed him in the morning he was 8.9lb

I know that my Finn isn't a poor feeder - they had said on the maternity ward that he was greedy,hence the top up feeds,the Midwife that came to visit agreed and said I was doing everything right,it is just the health visitor and the nurses on the childrens ward who questioned it.
The health visitor told me to only let him feed for half an hour on the boob,if I did that he would fade away!She also said I should top him up with formula,but I express his top up feed,and have done so since he was born.
Sorry for the long story,but I needed to get it down,and it may help you understand why I am asking what seems like a few really silly questions.....I have the midwife saying that I am doing everything okay,and the health visitor contradicting her,who do you think I should listen to,because I am following the Midwifes advice - she says it is okay for Finn to feed as long as he needs,it is okay to let him go through the night if that is what he wants,because he will let me know if he wants a feed(his last feed is around 12-12.30 and he wakes at around 5-6 ish)When Finn was weighed on Wednesday he was 8lb 13 oz.

Is it common for booby fed babies to gain weight slower,or be a little erratic with weight gain/loss?
Do they tend to feed for what seems like hours at a time - Finns average time for a feed is an hour and half,but he can feed for longer,or even spend less time on the boob but more frequent.
Does anyone else top up after a feed - at first I was doing this so I knew he had had something,should I keep doing this?
Does anyone top up with formula - the health visitor has made me so paranoid about him putting on weight,and suggested to do this.I am considering this,but I would be worried if it upset his stomach having the two different types of milk.
I have loads more questions,but I can't remember them all!I shall post them in the sticky this time.
Sorry for the novel,I did try to keep it short,honest