B'Feeding finding it hard


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I am seriously considering putting Sam on to formula.

He will latch on my left boob great but, he stuggles with my right boob for some reason. My Midwife has said it could be because I am left handed so hold him differently at my right side.

I am also finding it a struggle feeding him on demand sometimes he feeds for 20 mins or so then will sleep till his next feed and other times especially during the night he seems to want another feed less than an hour later and I am finding it really tiring. He also sometimes just uses my nipple as a dummy as well and will sit for ages not doing anything except holding it in his mouth.

I have been expressing as well just so OH can give him a feed while I get a shower or just 5 mins to myself.

Am I giving up too easily or should I stick it out a bit longer?
Its completly up to you - definitely your decision - but what you describe above is completly normal newborn b/fed baby behaviour - they feed constantly to stimulate your supply, use nipple as comforter (have you tried using a dummy?), struggle with latching etc.

I think you'd maybe be able to sort the sides of feeding problem by using the rugby ball hold on your right hand side?

Breastfeeding require lots of determination and willpower but if you are feeling low and want to give up, then maybe its not for you - wanting to do it so badly really is half the battle.

I wish you luck and love whatever you decide to do - keep us updated.

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Its completly up to you - definitely your decision - but what you describe above is completly normal newborn b/fed baby behaviour - they feed constantly to stimulate your supply, use nipple as comforter (have you tried using a dummy?), struggle with latching etc.

I think you'd maybe be able to sort the sides of feeding problem by using the rugby ball hold on your right hand side?

Breastfeeding require lots of determination and willpower but if you are feeling low and want to give up, then maybe its not for you - wanting to do it so badly really is half the battle.

I wish you luck and love whatever you decide to do - keep us updated.

Valentine Xxx

I agree. Breastfeeding in the early days is painful, tiring and physically and emotionally very difficult. You do have to really want to do it, for yourself, not for anyone else otherwise you will just resent it. I would always say to someone to carry on, it is so easy to switch to bottles but if you change your mind it is very hard to get back to breastfeeding (though not impossible). Do what you feel is right for you.
Emma me and you sound like we are having very similar experiences and our babies were born on the same day.

Im finding the feeding on demand hard too as Sophie has no set pattern she feeds when she wants which like Sam can be a few hours after her last feed or 1/2 hour. Sometimes shes latched on for over an hour i think its a comfort thing but she will not take a dummy. Im hoping that its still ealy days and she will form some sort of rountine in a few weeks and i might be able to leave the house without wondering when shes going to want feeding.

Your doing great breast feeding i too have been thinking about switching to bottles but im not sure that would solve the problem i think she would just want to be held and comforted so i wouldnt of gained anything. Its good that Sam will take a bottle of ebm. Sophie will not take a bottle at the mo but im going to keep trying.
:hug: Thanks Valentine.

I have tried the rugby ball hold with him but he just squirms around. i have also tried a dummy which he will 'sometimes' take but more often than not he balks (sp?) when you put it in his mouth.

I feel really bad about it but I am finding it tiring keeping up with him.
I forgot to say i was having trouble with my left side as im right handed but i find that having plenty of cushions supporting her and the rugby ball hold worked for me. I also found that when she is really hungry she would be less fussy about the postion as long as she could latch on she was happy.
Thanks everyone else too!

I really don't know what to do. I have two small cartons of ready made SMA Gold in the cupboard for an emergency I don't want to let Sam down but I don't want to beat myself up about this either.
do you have a bf clinic or cafe near you? i went along to one when connor was 4 days old and it really helped to chat to other mums having similar problems, and the advisor was great.

do what's best for you honey. breastfeeding is really really hard and i reckon that for most people it takes weeks for it to start feeling 'right'. for the most part, it depends how much you want to do it - and at the end of the day a happy mummy feeding formula will mean a happy baby. but if you can persevere and it does work out, breastfeeding is one of the most rewarding things i think you can do as a mummy :hug: :hug: :hug:
purple13 said:
do you have a bf clinic or cafe near you? i went along to one when connor was 4 days old and it really helped to chat to other mums having similar problems, and the advisor was great.

do what's best for you honey. breastfeeding is really really hard and i reckon that for most people it takes weeks for it to start feeling 'right'. for the most part, it depends how much you want to do it - and at the end of the day a happy mummy feeding formula will mean a happy baby. but if you can persevere and it does work out, breastfeeding is one of the most rewarding things i think you can do as a mummy :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have just read your thread and it is really inspiring. There is a breast feeding clinic nearby although I don't think it is on again now until next week.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

It's not for everyone Em, formula isn't rat poison :lol: and my two have thrived on it. You need to do whats best for you and Sam :hug:
I cannot express how much I love cuddling up with lil miss and putting a boob in her head and how close we are... and I didn't realise how much I missed it when I gave up with Tia ... I didn't realise till I started with lil miss.. Its something that only I share with my girls.

It was never easy... but now everything is established, I know I can go out for as long as I like and wherever I like and I have food prepared at the right temp and its all sterile... which for me is far more easy... (I'm a bit of a scatter brain tbh).

It gets easier around 6 weeks.. just keep at it till then and if by then you still feel its not for you.. change.. :)

As for the boob preference... that seems to be common... :roll: lil miss goes through it.. .. i think its a supply/flow issue.... try putting your lo on the least preferred boob at every feed for about 10 minutes to build up the supply... before moving to the other one. Thats how I got round it... :)

And whatever you decide... remember its your baby and your decision and don't let over zealous mothers and bfing professionals get to you... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Emma, the first few weeks are definitely the absolute worst! So many times I was in tears and slamming around the house because I found the whole experience painful and difficult and was on the verge of giving up and putting Luke on formula. All I can say now is... I am so glad I didn't!

If you can, try and persevere with it. It WILL get better. I know everyone says that and you think it won't but it will. I really was at the end of my tether and at times wondered why the hell I was bothering when bottles would be so easy but to be honest, sterilising etc is a pain in the arse and I would hate to have to do it for every feed.

It's entirely up to you but if you can, seek help from a BF counsellor as they are very good or even speak to your HV and see if she can put you in touch with someone. I actually saw one of my HV's who is trained in BF'ing support and she came to my house that same day and sat with us for an hour and chatted and watched him latch on etc and I have to say that other than the odd night, things have been 100% better,

Breastfeeding really is all about perseverance unfortunately. It's hard, it's sore and it is very tiring and demanding but when your baby is putting on weight each week and you know it is all you, it's the best feeling in the world.

However, if you do decide to go down the bottle route, don't feel bad, YOU'RE NOT A FAILURE. REMEMBER THAT! There is a lot of pressure out there with regard to breastfeeding. You need to do what is best for you and your little one and whatever you decide will be the right decision.

Good luck xxxxxx
Oh, I meant to add. Luke feeds a lot better off my right side than my left. I use the rugby hold with him on the right and I like it better than the left, on which I use the traditional cradle hold. I don't know why but for some reason it just annoys me but is easier than the rugby hold on the left LOL.

You just need to work it about a bit and find out what's right for you both :)
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Youre doing great, its soooo hard to start with so if you feel you want to persevere hang in there a bit longer and things will get easier! I was the same, you just want to get back to feeling normal after the birth, getting out and about etc, and you will, it just might take a couple of weeks, its such early days yet. Its only really been the last week that I have felt more like myself and have found the confidence to feed Eva while out without wanting to just dash home! I am having a lovely time surveying the parents rooms everywhere we go! :lol:

Have you tried laying down to feed off the tricky side? I started off feeding eva like this as it was hard for me to sit up, and i still do it now if im really tired.
Dont forget formula isnt poison though - I have only given it to Eva once so far but I dont think she even noticed, just me feeling irrationally guilty :roll:
Good luck whatever you decide x
It does get better I promise, the girls are right... do what you feel is best :)

Thanks everyone for your advice. I am going to combine breastfeeding and formula I think.

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