It feels like it has all gone wrong again. Had a bad day yesterday, was in a lot of pain and Seren had to be topped up with formula a couple of times. Today I have had a much better day pain wise and have been able to feed her but I think my milk just isn't happening. She woke at about 3.30pm and has only just settled. I have fed her for ages on both breasts and she is still hungrey, shoving her fists into her mouth and properly screaming. My boobs are empty at the moment, she just keeps suckling away but is never satisfied. To make matters worse she hasn't had a poo today (since midnight last night), just wet nappies which isn't like her, and I now think its because she was given so much formula and that I have messed up and made her ill. Trying to contact a midwife but no reply on the phone. I feel like I am such a failure with this, thought I was getting somewhere and now feel like I am back to square one.