Breastfeeding Questions

doesnt sound strange Rachel!! I cant wait to BF again. It's one of the best parts for me :cloud9:
i just cant wait to feel that special bond between us :)
I agree, didn't want to do it until I was about 30 weeks, and now I am so looking forward to the experience :) I will be the first one in the family to give it a go, if it's proven to be better for baby then why not do it I say
I just seen this! Brilliant.. Basically everything I needed to know :) My Mum and Sister are 100% supportive of my decision it would just be nice to have someone like you at home lol My midwives have done nothing but really tell me to breastfeed.. Not anywhere near the amount of info you have given me :) Thanks so much xxx

my midwife has put my name down for breastfeeding classes already. I think Im supposed to goin the 3rd trimester. Have you looked to see if theres anything you can go on?
:-o First I have even heard of them.. I must ask about this though! Would definitly help a lot, thanks xx

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