Breastfeeding problems


Feb 19, 2008
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Hi there, I'm looking for some advice/experiences which might help me with the problems I'm having breastfeeding my little one. She is 2 weeks old and gaining weight really well - already up over her birth weight, HOWEVER:

she stays on, on average, 5 mins at a time, then either falls off asleep, or PULLS off as though she is very frustrated about something. She does latch on well initially, but I just can't seem to get her to stay on. The pulling off in a frustrated manner is the worst problem as I really don't know what is wrong with her. Sometimes she pulls off then cries and other times just pulls off and lies there. Other times, she seems very hungry but when I offer her my boob she just doesn't appear to be bothered. Midwife has said that my positioning is good so I guess it's not that.

I should also mention that the frustration and coming off all the time started as a night time problem but is not happening more and more. Occassionally we get a 10 minute feed, but very very rarely.

I do wind her regularly. Also, she occassionally coughs/splutters and comes off that way.

Has anyone had similar experiences, or can anyone offer any advice? All advice much appreciated as this is really getting me down. Thanks so much.
the fact that she is gaining weight really well suggests to me you have a snacker. Some babies do just feed for 5 mins and do really well on it. My friends little boy would feed for 5mons, Seren would feed for 40 mis and he put on more weight then she did. You obvously have a good fast milk supply. I would only be concerned if she was still crying for the boob after coming off, or if she wasn't gaining well and wasn't giving lots of wet nappies. If that is the case perhaps get her checked out for thrush?? But honestly it sounds as though you are both doing great :)
Angel was just the same. As she is getting older she gets the flow then coughs on it, as it's streaming down my top. The only 'easy' feeds we get are night feeds, or if she's had a fairly long sleep in the day.
beanie said:
the fact that she is gaining weight really well suggests to me you have a snacker. Some babies do just feed for 5 mins and do really well on it. My friends little boy would feed for 5mons, Seren would feed for 40 mis and he put on more weight then she did. You obvously have a good fast milk supply. I would only be concerned if she was still crying for the boob after coming off, or if she wasn't gaining well and wasn't giving lots of wet nappies. If that is the case perhaps get her checked out for thrush?? But honestly it sounds as though you are both doing great :)

Yep what beanie said.

My Calleigh went throught the same thing, she would almost fight the boob but want to feed at the same time :roll:
She has gotton over that though now. I find that sometimes Calleigh gets a bit overwhelmed when i get my let down which can be a bit forceful so she comes off and i let the milk flow into a cloth then offer it back when she is ready. Just keep offering the boob, with that weight gain it sounds as if she is getting plenty hun.
beanie said:
the fact that she is gaining weight really well suggests to me you have a snacker. Some babies do just feed for 5 mins and do really well on it. You obvously have a good fast milk supply. I would only be concerned if she was still crying for the boob after coming off, or if she wasn't gaining well and wasn't giving lots of wet nappies. But honestly it sounds as though you are both doing great :)

I agree :D Evie was only ever a snacker she'd feed (well guzzle) for 5-10 mins tops before coming off quite satisified. Don't forget they've only got teeny tiny stomachs at that age - Its equivalent to the size of their fist, so it won't take loads to fill her up. If she's falling asleep you could also try strpping her off to her vest before you feed her or tickle her toes or blow on her face - sometimes they need reminding they should be feeding not sleeping! :D

Sounds like you are doing just fine :D
carpozijr said:
Hi there, I'm looking for some advice/experiences which might help me with the problems I'm having breastfeeding my little one. She is 2 weeks old and gaining weight really well - already up over her birth weight, HOWEVER:

she stays on, on average, 5 mins at a time, then either falls off asleep, or PULLS off as though she is very frustrated about something. She does latch on well initially, but I just can't seem to get her to stay on. The pulling off in a frustrated manner is the worst problem as I really don't know what is wrong with her. Sometimes she pulls off then cries and other times just pulls off and lies there. Other times, she seems very hungry but when I offer her my boob she just doesn't appear to be bothered. Midwife has said that my positioning is good so I guess it's not that.

I should also mention that the frustration and coming off all the time started as a night time problem but is not happening more and more. Occassionally we get a 10 minute feed, but very very rarely.

I do wind her regularly. Also, she occassionally coughs/splutters and comes off that way.

Has anyone had similar experiences, or can anyone offer any advice? All advice much appreciated as this is really getting me down. Thanks so much.

you're doing GREAT!!! stop worrying and just continue as you are. shes gaining weight so thats a GOOD sign.
just keep up the good work and go with the flow. *hugs*
I agree, Riley never feeds for long, he often coughs at first cos I have a fast flow.

Well done it sounds like you are doing great, in time things will settle down more, the first 2-3 weeks are the hardest.
I have a fast let down and Luke gets a lot in the first few mins. Once it slows he gets frustrated too. Could be she is the same. He only ever feeds for around 10 mins max aswell.
Hi, just wanted to say thank you to all who replied - it's much appreciated and i feel a lot better knowing that my problems aren't out of the ordinary! I saw the midwife today at the breastfeeding support group and she thinks that poor positioning (think I'd been getting lazy) combined with an ultra fast let down was contributing to the problems. I've got plenty of hints and tips to work on now so fingers crossed that things improve. Thanks again, Pamela

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