breastfeeding + local anaesthetic - quick help needed!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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posting here for quick replies.

please tell me - can you breastfeed when you've had a local anaesthetic? I went to the dentist this morning and he jabbed me - it's only just occured to me it might effect my milk. Alex is hungry and trying to get my breast. argh! I've defrosted some milk I had expressed in the freezer, but he doesn't want it. Keeps screaming at the bottle and smacking my boobs!
Not sure, but local at the dentist is fine when pregnant so can't see it being a huge problem.

My m/w knows I need a root canal op after bubs and she know's I'm planning on bf-ing and she didn't mention anything so it it were me I would feed him yourself :hug:
never mind, I gave him my breast I hope I was right to do so. You breastfeed after epidurals, and those are anaesthetics too, right?

*crosses fingers and hopes she's right*
monster_munch said:
Not sure, but local at the dentist is fine when pregnant so can't see it being a huge problem.

My m/w knows I need a root canal op after bubs and she know's I'm planning on bf-ing and she didn't mention anything so it it were me I would feed him yourself :hug:

thanks hun, :) that's reassuring
Ring the dentist and ask :) thats what I'd do :)
I don't have any credit. :(
Too late now anyway I fed him - he seems ok :?

I did just do a quick google and from what I can find I think it's okay.
leckershell asked this a couple of weeks ago I think... I'll have a look.
oh crap - not supposed to breastfeed for 12 hours.


I'm screwed!

What should I do? Will he be ill? Should I take him to the doctor? What the heck am I supposed to feed him?
I'm sure he'll be fine but maybe ring NHSDirect for reassurance?

0845 4647
Hi Xena... I fed Ryan after the first injection I had as the dentist nurse on at the time said it was ok :roll: he was ok I didn't notice any change in him at all. I had to go back 2 weeks later and have another one and I didn't feed him after that I gave him formula instead. But yeah I fed him after the first one and he was fine.

Sorry I didn't see the thread earlier x
I had local anaesethic (sp) for a minor op to my collar bone area a few months ago, the doctor told me that I was fine to breastfeed Alex afterwards :? I guess it's the same stuff because it made my neck and patch of skin around it numb for ages (then all tingly and horrible when the feeling came back!)
thanks guys.

I couldn't ring nhs direct. I have no credit. I tried Alex again with the expressed milk, but he refused it point blank. Not really surprising, he's only ever tried a bottle twice before and didn't take to them then either. I've had no choice but to breastfeed him, but yeh he doesn't seem any different to usual so I guess he'll be alright.

Not like I have much choice anyway, since he's refusing the bottle. I can't let him starve.

thanks all of you for your advice xx
Thinking about it I'm pretty sure I must have breastfed Brody after having a dentist's jab :? They should ask first!

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